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The article “Creating Relationships” published on my blog talks about how certain types or strategies of behavior, in this case female behavior, can negatively affect the relationship in a couple. It provides several examples of “games” between a man and a woman that negatively affect the relationship between them. I think much of what is described in that article can, of course, be successfully applied to men and their behavior. Here I would like to supplement this material with the following: Changing your behavior (in this case, “games”) can be quite difficult. It is difficult not only because it can be quite difficult to change yourself and change something in your behavior, but also because our behavior is usually familiar to us, normal, “automated”, and that is why it can be simply “invisible” to us. As a result, we cannot be critical of our behavior, but rather, we can perceive it as something self-evident, the only possible one. Therefore, it may simply not be clear what to change. A situation when a relationship ceases to satisfy can cause misunderstanding: “It seems like I’m doing everything, trying, but nothing changes.” It often happens that a woman or a man, in order to change something just in this situation, strengthens and intensifies their usual behavior in the hope of change (for example, they begin to demand more), although it would be better to do something different. Why are they strengthening and not changing? Precisely because there may be a conviction, not always conscious, as I indicated above, that the way they are doing it now is the only correct decision. The only correct one, for example, because in my parental family there were similar relationships between parents, so there is simply no knowledge, no understanding of how relationships can be built differently, what other possibilities there may be for this. This is where a psychologist with his professional outside view of the situation can come to the rescue. Those. he can notice something that, due to that very habit, we may not be able to see. Okay, we noticed. What's next? How to replace what is ineffective? And then you need to create more constructive interaction in a couple, which a psychologist can also help with. Have a good relationship!
