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And this woman doesn’t put too much value on herself, she really wants time for herself to rest and recover, while while a “girl” cannot even last two days without a man, because “I already miss you so much.” This is the difference, but not only this. It is also that a woman is not afraid to be herself, because if you don’t be yourself, who else will you be? Moreover, your man may not recognize you if you are not yourself, so you should not adapt to everyone, slowly but surely losing yourself. Also, a woman will not worry about what others will say about her and her success, even if they say “she sucked...”, because the main thing is that she herself knows that this is not so and then she no longer needs to prove anything to anyone. She wants to be imperfect and has every right to be. Reputation is a gainful matter... Yes, she looks after herself, and not the man, unlike the girl, but she admits the possibility that he may one day leave her and, most importantly, she does not make a tragedy of universal proportions out of this. But a woman understands that she can grow old, go grey, gain a few kilograms, and this is quite normal, so she plans to grow old with dignity, and not fight hysterically over it. She also understands that a man will do this too, for her this does not require “reviews” or “trailers” for him from others, she herself understands this well and will form her own opinion about this person, relying on her experience, impressions and internal feelings, and not focusing on the opinions of others. A woman will never ridicule or devalue her man, because she chose him herself, and the girl will complain about him to all her friends and acquaintances so that they will feel sorry for her “so poor and unhappy,” but at the same time she will not decide or change anything - she is not ready A woman who respects herself and will not allow herself to be devalued will not prove anything to herself or others and does not want to deal with a “closed” and stingy man, she does not try to change or save an alcoholic or drug addict in order to give herself a “plus” , but the girl will even do it with pleasure and this is the difference between them. The woman understands that the most valuable and expensive thing she has is herself and that’s why she loves herself, because she still has to live with herself, and it’s hard to live with someone you don’t love. But the girl is “storming” from the state of “everything is fine with me and I love myself” to “I can’t go on like this and I hate myself” and so on in a circle. Behind a woman’s calmness and success is a lot of work, breaking down her internal programs, attitudes, various social stereotypes, as well as the grief of tears and great faith in herself and that everything will definitely work out. And it worked, which means you can too! Good luck! Here you can place an order - my book “PRO love” You can find out more about all my courses here: my courses You can sign up for a consultation with me: here
