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In fact, deep inside herself, every woman clearly and well knows when a man really loves her and values ​​her, and when he is just “having fun” and at the same time does not plan anything serious with her. You can convince yourself as much as you like that he loves you and he simply does not have time to somehow show his love to you, but at the same time you still know very well that a man first He loves a woman only through his actions. That is, if during your relationship all that a man “puts” into you is his sexual organ, then it’s time to take off your favorite rose-colored glasses and face the truth - he doesn’t really love you. He doesn’t really value you, since he never finds the time and desire to “invest” in you and the relationship with you through his own efforts, the same time, etc., but at the same time he always finds time for sex with you. Good and regular sex is, of course, great, but you don’t need to convince yourself that for a man “wanting a woman” automatically equates to “loving a woman,” unfortunately, this is not the case at all. Which means it’s time for you to finally understand this discrepancy and, as an adult girl, draw the right conclusions and stop waiting for weather from the sea, in the hope that this man will love you someday. Is this what you came into this world for? To deserve and wait for someone's love for you? Seriously? Something tells me that your goal on this earth is much larger and is, at a minimum, to be a happy and loved woman, and for this you need to be in a relationship with someone who also thinks so. Don’t be afraid to shine and be a real star your own life, because who else if not you will be it then? Do what can decorate your life and give you the feeling that you are truly living to the fullest. Remove from your life everything that holds back your radiance and then add everything that, on the contrary, lights you up even more. Take care of yourself, because you still have time to live with yourself in your body. Therefore, do everything possible to make your life truly interesting and filled with passion. Good luck to you! Here you can place an order - my book “PRO love” You can find out more about all my courses here: my courses You can sign up for a consultation with me: here
