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This article is based on my https://www.b17.ru/forum/topic.php?id=47700 demo consultation with a client on the request of fear of starting take your child to kindergarten. My daughter turned 3 years old, and it was their turn to go to kindergarten, but my mother was very sorry to send her there. Of course, there was a grandmother nearby (the mother of the girl’s mother), who had to work a lot and spend little time with her daughter. And now she was trying to solve her problem at the expense of her daughter and granddaughter. The grandmother complained that the child would be completely taken away from school, since he would become quite an adult and would not need his parents at all. And now, while there was still time before school, there was no need to leave her daughter and raise her without the help of a kindergarten. The girl’s mother herself believed that her child was still small, helpless, could not stand up for herself and it was better to hold him closer to herself. At the same time, her financial situation did not allow her to refuse a place in a budget kindergarten and independently engage in the development of the child. Mom very actively defended the position that she was an ideal parent, since she was entirely focused on doing everything possible and impossible for her child. She herself, due to being raised by a single mother who always worked tirelessly, was deprived of a lot, and therefore they tried to ensure that her daughter grew up in prosperity: so that she would have fresh vegetables and fruits in her diet all year round; balanced diet; beautiful and comfortable clothes; educational toys; and so on. What scared her most was the loss of control over how the child would interact with other children, who were assigned the role of evil and selfish individuals. Mom was sure that only with her and her husband’s active participation and intercession could her daughter not be offended. It is not difficult to imagine that with such a view of a child as a helpless being, he will truly feel like a victim and envy others. It’s sad, but the client interrupted her work and what I wanted, but did not have time to tell her, I decided to write it in the form of an article. After all, she is not the only one and her case is far from unique. So, give your children the opportunity to build their own relationships with other children. Believe me, they will not allow themselves to be offended even without your direct participation. The best educational toys for a child are those that he plays with other children. The most necessary vitamins for the health of your child are found in the fruits of your love for them, acceptance of them and attention to them. Find time to really be close to them, and not be formally present in a semi-fainting state from lack of sleep and fatigue. Dress your child in the warmth and affection that comes from your heart, in trust and confidence that he can cope on his own without you! Of course, it is necessary that these words and the actions that confirm them come from one’s own self-confidence and from one’s own feelings of safety in this world. How to treat a child so that he grows up happy and prepared for independent life? It’s very simple: you need to see in him, first of all, a person, a personality. This means that even from a very early age he has his own desires, separate from his parents, dictated by his needs. From birth, a child communicates with his parents, and it’s only a matter of the latter’s willingness to see and hear his signals. A person is a person from the very first moment of his birth and even before it, even in the prenatal period. Adults do not want to take a conversation with a child seriously, justifying it first by the fact that since he does not speak, he does not understand what is being said to him. Then the child begins to speak, but the parents again and again find excuses for their unwillingness to enter into a full dialogue with the child’s personality. And all you need to do is just talk to the child, not forgetting to pause to catch his answer! At the same time, it is important to constantly remember that he is already worthy of your respect as another full-fledged person, and.
