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A small person with low self-esteem moves slowly and uncertainly through life. His head is pulled into his shoulders, his arms are limp and heavy. Poor, poor baby! Sad stories from childhood remind him daily of his “worthlessness” and “bad luck.” The weight of bad memories day after day undermines his faith in goodness, light and love. If all this exists, it is far beyond the limits of his perception. No matter how much warmth spreads around, the unfortunate person will find a dank island and, having settled there as usual, will continue to be sad about his unfulfilled fate. And according to the image of himself that he cannot achieve in any way. Even if a small person is left completely without competitors, he will begin to compare himself with the sun, sky and stars. It will soon become clear that he himself is not worthy of any of the above, since he does not heat so hot, does not shine so brightly, and does not give off the transparent blue of the surrounding air. What will the little man take with him to the island? Mental pain and a giant stack of grievances and complaints about life. Most of them quietly sit in his bosom for years, but some “sleep out” from time to time for others to see. My dear man, it seems to you that the whole world is against you, although you are not to blame for anything, well, nothing! It is so difficult to take responsibility for what is happening. Strangely enough, it seems to you that the true culprits of “damaged self-esteem” are God and your parents. The first one “didn’t report”, and the second ones “didn’t finish it”. An additional disaster is that others “read” your attitude towards themselves and begin to treat you accordingly, no matter how much you hide it. They seem to confirm your “worthlessness” and “lack of independence.” And now your whole life is subordinated to a single goal: to overcome these feelings. Is there a way out of this sad circle? This question worries thousands and thousands of little people who have been living in a depressed state for many years. Sooner or later, a person begins to poke around in search of a magical remedy. How I would like to believe that books, colleagues, friends and family will help me get out and get rid of adversity! But time passes, and it becomes obvious that no one from the close circle can help with this. Because adequate self-esteem is not a goal, but an action. Start acting right now! Well, please, stop comparing yourself with other people, evaluating and making judgments. Look around and, finally, note with gratitude what God and your parents have rewarded you with. Everything that seems to you to be shortcomings brings you beneficial bonuses. Learn to thank Life for everything you have. Develop your skills! Become an objective professional in what you love to do. If you understand everything, but don’t have enough charge, turn to a specialist for help. He will find ways to help you grow. And also... “Get yourself a hollow, Right in the area of ​​the heart - Here, look - With a warm and fast Squirrel inside»
