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Today the scientific discipline, which is traditionally called special psychology, consists of separate sections; it is just a simple sum of the psychologies of various disorders. Another approach is only gaining strength and only outlines the paths of future development (Sorokin V.M. 2011). This approach consists in the formation of a new science, with all the features characteristic specifically for a certain area of ​​​​scientific knowledge. Although no one is conducting open debate on this issue, there is also no consensus or common understanding. In this situation, I wanted to share some of my thoughts regarding special psychology. Indeed, is it worth producing entities? If there are disciplines that are sufficiently developed, then why something common that can try to unite something that is not subject to such unification at all? Is there a real theoretical and practical need for some kind of general science that would combine all the variations of impaired development? Will the new general science yield anything in practical terms? That is, will it help to more effectively treat children with developmental disorders? Special psychology is still a very young science and, perhaps, this explains its current state. That is, she is just at the beginning of her journey. And it still has to clearly outline its subject, define its boundaries, separate itself from other, related areas, and, on the contrary, absorb others into itself. The general methodology, the general approach are still ahead. If we look at the history of science in general and at the history of individual sciences, we will see these periods in other humanities areas of knowledge. The second point is the change directly in the field of practical work. This area has changed markedly recently. If previously so-called pure developmental disorders predominated (visual impairment, hearing impairment, mental retardation, etc.), now every year there are more and more developmental disorders, which are called complex and combined, when we have several disorders at once in one child. This trend is precisely a trend, and not individual cases, and today this is the reality that all specialists working with developmental disorders have to deal with. By and large, we simply do not have the opportunity to remain within the framework of the classical areas of special psychology such as, for example, “children with hearing impairment”, “children with intellectual disabilities”, etc. To work successfully, a modern specialist must be an expert in at least several individual violations. This is a huge amount of specific information, but as you know, more does not mean better. And there is simply a lot of information that does not speak about its quality, and about its benefits for improving the condition of a real living child. And here the question immediately arises about the reasons underlying various mental functioning disorders. And also about the reasons for the variety of current developmental disorders. And in practice, we are faced with the need to highlight common, significant points that impede the normal development of a particular child. Today there is also an increase in scientific interest in certain areas of knowledge. Such as the processes of socialization and human adaptation. The study of these processes brings normal and deviant development closer together. Since the strength limit of the human psyche, psychological resources and psychological risks are also being studied. The phenomenon of deprivation is being studied. Nowadays, interest in all processes associated with the formation of a person has increased. All this is equally important for both normal and impaired development. And finally, I want to say that our time, it seems to me, is beginning to pose the very question of people with disabilities, that is, the disabled, in a new way. If the 20th century was a century of transition to a humane attitude towards such people, as well as to an ever-increasing scientific interest in this problem, now we are on the threshold of a purely constructive approach. It becomes necessary to stabilize the situation, as in the plan.
