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From the author: My husband’s mother told me on the phone today: “If you have something to say to the world, say it. There will be those for whom this will be important.” And I really have something to say on the topic of marriage. I want to talk to you about the topic of marriage and the attitude towards it of those girls who dream of marriage. Most often, questions like: “How are things going in your personal life?”, “How are your relationships with men?”, “When are you getting married?” and so on. the answer is something like this: “I’m relaxed, let everything be as it will be”, “As God willing”, “As fate has it, so it will be”, “Everything is wrong”, “Everyone is only offering sex” and etc.Girls, THERE IS NO HUSBAND BEHIND THE STOVE! And if you think that relaxing, reading Cosmopolitan or another book about femininity, sitting on social media. networks and simply giving responsibility to God for your personal life, something will happen... I assure you: THERE WILL BE NO MIRACLE, and YOU WILL NOT FIND YOUR HUSBAND BEHIND THE STOVE! Oh... I hear a hubbub of indignation: how can this be? What are you saying, Alena? Now the whole world is talking about femininity and that everything comes into a woman’s reality when she is calm and accepting, etc. and so on. And how can one not give responsibility for one’s personal life to God himself?! Yes, that’s true. God will do everything impossible for you and the angels are already looking for the best betrothed for you, but as the old joke says, “you have to buy a lottery ticket yourself.” Everything really comes into the world of a woman on its own, when a woman feels like a woman, broadcasts herself to the world as a woman , feels her feminine essence. This woman “SMELLS” like a WOMAN, she is alluring, engaging, charming, interesting, mysterious, open to communication and ready for any outcome of events, she is a process, not a result. And, returning to the topic of marriage, let's figure out what will help you bring this event closer in your life.1. Nature itself has taken care of the mating season of all living beings, and when you are ready (mentally and physically) to enter into a marriage union, hormonal changes will begin in your body (active production of testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, norepinephrine, etc.). I recommend watching any BBC films that show the mating season of animals and birds, I especially like the “Birds of Paradise” plot, which shows in detail how birds prepare to choose a partner. Do you think differently for people? Ha…. To summarize the topic with nature and hormones, I will say that as soon as you mentally and physically begin to “awaken” and “want” to start a family, you will begin to be “visible” in the world of men. They will begin to feel you, read your mood, and want to be with you.2. Your image: external and internal, is it united? The whole world is broadcasting “wear skirts, dresses and you will be feminine.” But nature, like a man, cannot be deceived. And if a skirt/dress is worn only to “be like everyone else”, to be “socially desirable”, to be in trend - it won’t work... The world of men will continue to ignore you... But there is no “smell”... Yes, beautiful in the dress, yes, the skirt is bright, long, but you don’t feel a “woman” in it.... Therefore, think about WHAT is inside you, what thoughts fill you, your gaze is directed “inward” or “at others”, you think more or do you feel it? Do you struggle within yourself with fears, complexes, attitudes, or do you accept yourself as you are? Have you accepted your body as it is or are you wearing a hoodie dress in order to hide your figure and play at being a woman? Yes Yes Yes. Everything should be harmonious, the external should reflect your internal content and vice versa. When everything about yourself is accepted and understood inside, then whether you are wearing jeans or a tracksuit, men will not let you through. I’m not even talking about a neat appearance with manicure, makeup and clean hair, this goes without saying.3. What is your external manifestation? Do you open doors yourself or accept help from men? Walking down the street, in a cafe, subway, at work, do you look men straight in the eyes? Your eye contact, smile, gait, speech, manners, your willingness to communicate, flirtatiousness, ease».
