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The problem of alcoholism has a very long history in our country. At the same time, the attitude towards this problem is still not the most adequate; alcoholism is highly stigmatized in society, it is condemned as if an alcoholic has a choice not to drink. There may be a choice, purely hypothetically, but the problem is that there is often no access to this choice. In medicine, it has long been established that alcohol dependence is a disease, but there is still no more or less effective and universal way cure this disease. And okay, if only the alcoholic himself suffered from this disease, but, often, all the people close to him suffer no less. Alcoholism destroys lives, destinies of people, cripples the psyche not only of the alcoholic himself, but also of his partners, his children, parents - and this is terrible. At the same time, current methods of treating alcoholism often come down to eliminating symptoms, without particularly addressing the causes of alcohol dependence . Even in the best rehabilitation centers, programs are structured to teach a person not to drink alcohol, but how a person can continue to live without alcohol is either ignored or addressed to a minor extent. And, as a result, the number of breakdowns even among people who have undergone long-term treatment in rehabilitation centers is off the charts. And all because alcoholism is a mental disorder, and of a compensatory borderline nature. That is, alcohol is used by an alcoholic as a means and method of emotional self-regulation. Simply put, an alcoholic is a formerly mentally traumatized child who, in order to somehow interact with the reality in which he lives, in order to somehow experience the events and situations in his life that happen to him, is forced to resort to to drinking alcohol. And, the worst thing is that life, as a rule, does not even leave a choice for such a person, because he cannot do otherwise. An alcoholic cannot help drinking alcohol, since his psyche simply does not have other mechanisms for compensating for stress, negative emotional reactions, has the same level of stability that healthy people have. Yes, drinking alcohol, of course, aggravates this process, but the psychological causes of alcohol dependence, of course, are much deeper. And in order to solve the problem of alcohol dependence, it is important not only and not so much to learn not to drink alcohol, but to learn to live without alcohol: to learn emotional self-regulation , increase the level of mental stability. After all, cravings do not sleep, and check every alcoholic who quits drinking “for lice.” And in fact, the very first stressful situation leads to a breakdown. It’s time to get acquainted. My name is Ilya Petrov, I am a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of neurotic and borderline disorders, which also includes alcohol addiction. For more than seven years I have been engaged in an active psychotherapeutic practice, which I constantly improve and develop. I have successful experience in treating alcohol addiction in my clients, achieving long-term and stable remission. And I want to offer you my help. At the same time, I’ll be honest: I don’t perform miracles; treating alcohol addiction is a very complex and rather lengthy process. The duration of the course of therapy is at least one year, and often longer. This is also a rather expensive process, because it requires not one consultation per week, as with most disorders, but two. And, of course, the client must have a confident desire to get rid of alcohol addiction once and for all, have the desire and will to make efforts for this. And another very important condition, the fulfillment of which is mandatory for getting into therapy with me, is that the client pays with his own money for therapy. Only that person who is ready to work and work for the sake of his recovery will be able to achieve.
