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From the author: A Tale of Emptiness A good fairy tale with a good ending. Once upon a time there lived a beautiful and smart girl in an ordinary family. She loved her mom and dad and believed them with all her childish soul. The girl was happy when she walked through her colorful garden, when her mother sang tender lullabies to her, when she read amazing books. The girl liked it when she was asked to read poems to guests or sing nightingale songs. But one day a blue, cold wind and rain came upon them and filled the whole house with sadness. Everyone sank - mom, dad, and the girl. And an incomprehensible, frightening emptiness settled in their family nest, which, piece by piece, ate up happy family moments. One day, on such a sad evening, the whole family gathered around a large table and laid a white tablecloth with an incredibly beautiful pattern. They put out tea utensils and a samovar, poured fragrant flower tea, put melt-in-the-mouth sugar buns into vases and began to drink tea. While they were drinking tea, a nice conversation ensued about all the good things and even about the emptiness that had settled in their home. And mom told everyone that she was expecting a little boy and was carrying him in her tummy. Everyone was happy, dad’s eyes lit up with happiness, the girl laughed and clapped her hands. The Void heard everything and became wary. “I’ll have to look for another house - they look so contented and happy,” she thought. And she began to slowly move towards the exit. When the void was already stretching out its nasty tail, dad abruptly closed the door so that there were no drafts, and pinched the edge of the long extension of the spine to the void. The nasty guest squealed and darted away into the yard. Everyone laughed, joyful and relieved. From then on, the house began to breathe easily and calmly, as before. But every family member remembered this moment in their lives. And after that everyone became a little smarter, more experienced and more mature. After some time there were four of them. The tiny boy became everyone's favorite. Everyone cared about him and loved him. Every moment should teach us something. From every trouble we must take out a positive seed. How to do this, everyone decides for themselves. And a special person, a psychologist, can also help.
