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Is there friendship between a man and a woman? Yes and no. But first I will answer the question, what is friendship? As far as I understand, friendship is when people are close to each other, but there is no sexual connotation between them. It follows from this that it occurs mainly only between women, or only between men. But here, too, not everything is so simple, let’s take sexual minorities, for example. One more thought. I read one study in which the authors argued that friendship is impossible without mutual sexual attraction, even between people of the same sex. That is, if a person is sexually unpleasant to you, you will not be friends with him. I will not refute or support this hypothesis; in my opinion, it has a right to exist. As far as my life experience shows me, there is something in this. It is interesting that the question of friendship between men and women is mostly asked by women. They are worried and worried about this. And then the question arises, what is the problem? I think that this question nevertheless touches on the side of morality. If there is interest between a man and a woman in each other, sexual overtones will be present. It is difficult for us to deceive nature. Well, if only by radical surgical intervention. And so, there is sexual attraction. And with your mind (or anything else) you understand that it is not possible to have sex with this person yet or at all in this life, but the person himself is interesting, useful, or something else. And then the idea of ​​friendship between men and women arises, real friendship, not defiled by sexual desires. It turns out that people begin to deceive themselves and each other. We're just friends. My opinion is that it is possible and necessary to be friends. For example, I am married. And what happens, I can’t have close (I mean emotionally) contact with other women? Or my wife, is she also taboo about this? I think not. We need to be friends, consciously accepting that since we won’t have sex, then at least we will definitely get something else from each other, without violating moral principles. And there is something to gain in a friendly relationship besides sex. I checked. And this is how I will summarize. If I understand the vision of friendship correctly, then in its pure form it does not exist between a man and a woman. It's my opinion. However, many are friends, that is, they are friends, they do not have sex, but they are aware that there is sexual interest. Of course, there are no guarantees that nothing will happen between them (I mean sex), but if you are not aware of this (I mean not aware of your sexual desire, having thoroughly suppressed it), there are no guarantees either. I personally am for friendship, and sexual arousal can be realized with your partner. And one more thought. And with your wife (husband) you can not only run a joint household, have sex, raise children, but also be friends. But this is a topic for a separate note..
