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If not development, then degradation. Balakhonskaya G.V. Audio version of the article here https://www.b17.ru/media/71446/Our development is a very vital topic. I have already written about this more than once, dear friends. The topic is emotionally charged. Moreover, many emotions associated with this topic are often not realized. This does not make them any less significant. And they influence! They are not realized, but they influence. They influence both mood and behavior. And they also influence their own attitude towards themselves. How do they influence? Well, of course, it’s different for everyone :) Options are possible. I suggest, friends, to consider some. For example, when there is no development, what does that mean? And that means it’s a routine .Or is it also called “Groundhog Day”, as in that famous film. And what is the result of the routine? Boredom. Feeling empty. Irritation. Maybe anger at yourself, that you are somehow different, that you can’t do something, that you don’t know how. You want to get out of the state of routine. Because routine is like a lack of movement. And movement is life. Everyone feels this on a subconscious level. Nature!:) And often attempts to get out of this nasty state, for example, through alcohol. Or through something else that is essentially self-destructive. In general, there are plenty of options... I think if you look around, everyone can give their own examples. Is this a way out of the routine? Well, maybe there is a way out of the routine... But the only question is - where? But when is development? It’s not even necessarily another higher education :) Development can also occur through a new understanding of something seemingly familiar. Or, maybe something unusual for yourself. For example, something like “Shouldn’t I take up vocals?” :) Or “Shouldn’t I go to this artist’s exhibition?” Or something else tempting for you. In general, development is something new that you are doing. Something you don’t know yet and therefore don’t understand. You can react to something with some kind of fear, because it’s new, which means it’s still unfamiliar. And unfamiliar... means you don’t know how it will turn out and what it will entail. Yes, and also make an effort... Scary? In general, you can do it with fear, or you can do it with interest! This is a contact with some of your feelings and sensations that you don’t come into contact with in your routine! And this, by the way, is the creation of new ones neural circuits in your wonderful brain! :) And if you don’t create new circuits, then the brain simply gets out of the habit of doing it. And...How does nature work? What you don't use, she takes from you. And he takes it without fail. Nature is very economical after all :)) Have you, friends, seen photographs of bodybuilders who have stopped doing intense training? Very impressive. Where are these muscles that were there while they were being intensively used?? No. They decrease very quickly. Very clearly. So, it’s the same with brains! :) Only to yourself, unfortunately, this is not very visible... :)) But if you at least know about it! And then you can take steps in a completely meaningful way and master what is still unexplored. Outline attractive directions for yourself and follow them. Well, the one who walks will master the road! :) And now I thank you for your attention! February 17, 2023 And my articles you can also listen in the audio version. You can sign up for my consultation here on the website https://www.b17.ru/balakhonskaya/#consultation or via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber by phone. +7 (916) 614-83-92
