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From the author: Presentation Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Teachers often have an incorrect or unclear idea about the “Activity-based approach”. Let's think together. What do you think is the essence of this point of view? How do you understand the phrase “Activity approach”? The activity approach implies, first of all, the activity of the subject of learning, his search activity, his need to obtain knowledge. The development of a general psychological theory of activity was started by social psychologists, among whom the most important role belongs to A.N. Leontiev, L.I. Bozhovich, A.V. Zaporozhets. The main idea of ​​the activity approach in education is associated not with the activity itself, as such, but with activity as a means of formation and development of the child’s subjectivity. That is, in the process and result of using forms, techniques and methods of educational work, what is born is not a robot trained and programmed to clearly perform certain types of actions, but a Human being who is able to choose, evaluate, program and design those types of activities that are adequate to his nature and satisfy him needs for self-development, self-realization, capable of turning one’s own life activities into a subject of practical transformation, relating to oneself, evaluating oneself, choosing methods of one’s activities, controlling its progress and results. The activity-based approach to educating a growing person in a directly practical aspect, its origins go deep into history . Labor as a material transformative objective activity is the primary reason and prerequisite for the separation of man from nature, the formation and development in the course of history of all human qualities. Human activity, taken as a whole, in the fullness of its types and forms, gave rise to culture, resulted in culture, itself became culture - the environment that grows and nourishes the personality. The foundations of the activity approach in psychology were laid by Alexey Nikolaevich Leontiev. He proceeded from the distinction between external and internal activities. The first consists of specific actions for a person with real objects, carried out by moving the arms, legs, and fingers. The second occurs through mental actions, where a person does not operate with real objects and not through real movements, but uses for this their ideal models, images of objects, ideas about objects. Absolutizing the role of activity, especially external activity, in the formation of personality, A.N. Leontyev proposed putting the category “activity” at the basis of the construction of all psychology. Developmental and educational psychology, as well as school pedagogy in general, were built on this theoretical foundation. The essence of education from the point of view of the activity approach is that the focus is not on any activity, but on activities aimed at the development of the individual, at his maturation. In other words, the main driving force of activity is the accumulated knowledge that the child wants to apply and use for his further development, i.e. The acquired knowledge becomes a means for carrying out activities aimed at acquiring new knowledge. The activity approach is focused on sensitive periods of development of schoolchildren, in which they are most “sensitive” to mastering language, mastering methods of communication and activity, objective and mental actions. On the other hand, a period sensitive to one function is accompanied by a deterioration of another function or another component of the same function. Thus, in adolescence, the growth of independence, accompanied by a contradiction between childhood forms of behavior and the need for adulthood, is expressed in the intensification and rapid development of communication with peers and in the simultaneous deterioration of relationships with adults. Here there is a coincidence of a favorable period in the development of communication with peers and a simultaneous deterioration of actions according to the rules (regulated by adults) against the background of adolescence., 1999
