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The work of a psychologist: Interesting and Useful 910 Good afternoon, Dear Friends! And we continue to study the work of a therapist, we continue to study its various features, we continue to share our experience and knowledge accumulated during practice. I bring to your attention the nine hundred and tenth article in the series. I will also write for you a few words about a telephone conversation with the past therapist (“former”, as we called him) of our new client... In the comments they also wrote to me that this is a slippery question and that everything in it is important first carefully discuss with the client and weigh everything. I agree with the last one one hundred percent! What is “slippery”? It seems that this is some kind of everyday term that cannot explain anything to us... I will soon write a note again on this topic then. Then they wrote to me that therapy is limited to the office, therefore, a call to the former therapist should, as I understand it, take place during a meeting with a client. Maybe. But here I have some objections. Sometimes there are details that are still better not to be discussed in front of the client, for the benefit of his own personal therapy. For example, working with a client may require the same frustration that we talked a little about yesterday. What kind of frustration will it be if the client finds out about it in advance. Another point. Why waste session time talking with the previous psychologist? This may take a long time in some cases. If so, then the meeting with the client will be completely untherapeutic, since he will just sit and wait for us to talk. Or am I imagining something wrong here? One more moment. I think I already wrote about him. We provide supervision for clients. We discuss difficult moments with colleagues. And this all happens outside of the meeting with the client. The same fully applies to a telephone conversation with a previous specialist. Do you also want to share something? Please write below in the comments! It will be important and interesting for everyone to learn something useful for their work or just for themselves! Thank you for your attention! The next, nine hundred and eleventh article in the series will be published soon, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow! Sign up for a consultation: + 7 - 9 6 5 - 3 1 7 - 5 6 - 1 2 If you liked the material, please click on “Say thanks”! In order not to miss anything interesting, subscribe to my publications! And please share, material on social networks! :)
