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Acupuncture is a method of treating drug addiction and alcoholism. It consists of placing special needles that are placed on certain parts of the patient’s body. What is acupuncture? The philosophy of the method is as follows: the flow of vital energy in the body occurs in certain directions. If there is a “failure” or stagnation, a person gets sick. While working with certain active zones, it is possible to strengthen or weaken the flow of energy in order to stabilize the condition. Experts count approximately 700 points that can affect a person in different ways. While working with pre-selected areas in the body, the synthesis of special substances (hormones and enzymes) occurs. Special coding techniques help not only to overcome a dangerous habit, but also to restore the functioning of internal organs. This occurs due to the launch of the self-regulation process, which has a complex effect. Acupuncture in the treatment of addictions According to the theory, skin punctures stimulate various parts of the nervous system. Acupuncture most often complements sessions with a psychologist and drug therapy, but can also be used in isolation, for example, for coding. Taking into account the localization of the area where manipulation will be carried out, there are several methods of acupuncture therapy: Manual. Therapeutic massage, during which a specialist works with energy points located on the hands. Cranial. Stimulation of areas of the scalp is carried out. Corporal. With the help of needles, biological zones and points are activated in the neck, arms, legs, back, abdomen or chest. Multi-needle. A small roller or hammer is used, equipped with symmetrically arranged needles. Auricular. Microneedles are inserted into the area of ​​the ears. Eliminating addiction with acupuncture will only be effective if the session is conducted by an experienced narcologist-reflexologist. The doctor must have special training, sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical skills. How much do acupuncture sessions cost and how are they performed? To select a therapeutic course, the patient undergoes a full examination, the clinical picture, the “experience” of addiction are also taken into account. The main acupuncture coding algorithm: The room is treated with a bactericidal lamp .The patient removes the necessary parts of the body from clothing, taking into account their localization, a position is selected (lying on the stomach, back, sitting). After treating the area with an antiseptic, needles are inserted into bioactive points. The angle and depth of the injection depend on the goals of therapy and are determined individually. Most often, the impact is on the back and ears, where most of the biologically active points are concentrated. The needles are removed, and the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic. As a rule, during treatment the patient does not feel discomfort or pain. After the session, it is recommended to rest for about 30 minutes. Often, in addition to traditional methods, laser irradiation of reflexogenic areas is used. Methods of exposure using ultrahigh frequency energy and pulsed currents have also been developed. A specialist can use different techniques and their combinations. Acupuncture is carried out in courses. The duration of the session depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the nature, stage and symptoms of addiction. The intervals between manipulations range from 1 to 3 days. If necessary, you may need to undergo a second course of therapy, but not earlier than after 1–2 weeks. Please note! The number of acupuncture sessions and price will be determined after assessing the task, areas of treatment and the technique used. The services of qualified reflexologists (doctors of the highest category) are more expensive. Advantages of the technique The main feature of acupuncture is its versatility. It is carried out to get rid of addiction, eliminate the manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, during rehabilitation. Additional advantages: Possibility of combination. Acupuncture can be combined with medications, psychotherapy,.
