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From the author: Metabolism is the speed at which all processes in our body occur - the absorption of incoming substances, the breakdown of fat and energy, and the work of all organs and systems of the body . And there are secrets on how you can influence it competently! Many people with weight problems “sin” their metabolism, and do not know that it can be consciously corrected! Of course, some processes are universal. For example, as we age, everyone's metabolism decreases. And yet it decreases or slows down much more depending on the diet! Our body is a very wise and ancient organism, which in the process of historical evolution has gone through various trials. And there were times when food was scarce or arrived irregularly. And the human body has learned to regulate its energy expenditure in order to survive. And these protective mechanisms still work in modern people! When a person eats rarely (but accurately!), taking long breaks between meals, or even eating once a day, the body perceives this as a sign of the onset of hunger, drought and crop failure. And it automatically saves energy, and converts all incoming food into fat in reserve! The same effect is caused by the fashionable trend of “not eating after 6.” And then such a person is very surprised that he eats rarely, and his weight either remains the same or even increases! Hence the conclusion: eat often, including in the evening, and the body will “relax” and will stop accumulating fat, and will begin to burn it! You can also help your metabolism with the diet itself: eat more meat (animal protein greatly “accelerates” the metabolism) and side dishes. It is better to eat food from whole pieces, then the stomach will work additionally and also speed up metabolic processes. And yoghurts, ground and shredded food, sweets are absorbed almost immediately, without requiring any effort to digest. That's it! Know these secrets, and it will be easy for you to maintain your health and slimness! I wish you success! Sincerely, Maria Zagurskaya! Comments are welcome!
