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This situation is more complicated. Let's start with specific threats. What could it be. For example, threats: “put down” - put in a cell where they will be raped or in other ways “set down by lawlessness”, beating, demonstration of instruments of torture (iron, sticks, plastic bottles with water, etc.). Such threats are almost always presented with a condition - if, for example, you do not give a confession, if you do not write a sincere confession, a confession, if you do not tell about your accomplices, etc. Rarely, there are psychopathological individuals who are ready to beat and mock not for the sake of obtaining evidence, but to satisfy their sadistic inclinations. By and large, they don’t need anything; they assert themselves and satisfy themselves. Sometimes they immediately start beating without any threats, and then, perhaps, they will make some demands. Such people are the most dangerous, they can kill because, often, they cannot stop. The system covers them for a long time, and only when the worst thing happens—the detainee is maimed or killed—then a scandal breaks out and the media gets involved. Everyone remembers similar stories, for example, the rape of a detainee with a mop and other abuses of police in the Stavropol Territory. Isolated cases become known to the general public; 90 percent of cases of violence remain in the shadows. More often, negligent police officers resort to threats and violence for very practical reasons - to extract the necessary evidence, to solve a crime. If there is no evidence or there is little evidence, then why obtain it through legal procedural means, or even through beating. The main thing is not to get caught. But if you don’t leave obvious signs of bodily harm, then it’s impossible to get caught. Even bruises, dislocations, minor injuries can be attributed to the detainee himself, and there was nothing for him to resist during the arrest. The prosecutor's office believes or pretends to believe. The mechanism of such gullibility is simple. The detainee, covered in bruises, writes a complaint to the prosecutor's office that his testimony was extorted through threats and beatings. The prosecutor orders an investigation. How is it carried out? One of the prosecutor’s subordinates calls, for example, operational workers and reports that there is a complaint from such and such a person. Asks questions: were they beaten? All operational employees answer that they comply with the law and have never laid a finger on anyone. And the detainee received bodily injuries during arrest when he resisted. In general, that's all. The audit established that no illegal actions were committed by the police officers. This gives a feeling of impunity and the right to continue using violence against citizens. Of course, for the time being, until some detainee accidentally dies during interrogation. In this case, we don’t care for what reasons the police decide to beat the detainee, how the prosecutor’s office will then react to this, whether the “werewolves in uniform” will be brought to criminal responsibility, or whether they will be awarded a prize for good detection of crimes. The main thing is how to react and what an ordinary citizen should do in such a situation, because honor and health alone, if lost, cannot be returned back. Pichugin V.G., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
