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Anger. What associations does this word evoke for you? What color does this emotion have for you? Most often - negative. We are accustomed to the fact that being angry is bad (this has been shoved into our consciousness since childhood), good children do not behave this way. Then, having matured, we cannot express anger to others, because they will be offended, consider us ill-mannered, and fire us (from work, for example). This is such an exaggerated example. Nowadays, the younger generation allows themselves to get angry and throw out this emotion on others, but for the most part this is still condemned. Let's try to figure out whether anger is so bad and what it is. As the dictionary says, “anger is a reaction resulting from dissatisfaction: one’s desires, expectations, actions. It can range from mild irritation to real rage.” Anger can be directed in two opposite directions: at others and at oneself. We most often encounter anger directed at others. This is a really strong, destructive emotion. She has great energy and is capable of sweeping away everything in her path. The problem is that it is thanks to this energy charge that it is very difficult to stop it: you need either an external influence equal to or even greater in strength (like a bucket of cold water), or time until the “charge” ends. Uncontrolled anger causes damage not only to others, but also to the person experiencing it, as it is very mentally and emotionally draining. What could be positive about this? Proper use of this colossal energy charge. It is often used in sports. “Get angry” at the sports equipment, at the coach, at the opponent - and make a leap forward. Likewise in everyday life, by realizing our anger, we can prevent it from spilling out uncontrollably on everyone around us, but use it as a resource to achieve a goal. The second direction of anger is towards oneself. This type of anger is more dangerous and destructive for the person himself. It is hidden from prying eyes, but this does not make it less energetically charged. And if this process occurs unconsciously (a person does not understand what exactly he is angry about in himself), then it can lead to many psychological and mental problems. What is positive here? You must first recognize your anger. You can’t be angry in principle; you can’t be angry at something. Just as in the previous case, if you direct this energy in the right direction, it will take a person to a radically new level. It can give strength, self-confidence, and a mindset for success. “Am I worse than...?”, “How long can you sit in one place...”, “I will prove...”. Many accomplishments began precisely from anger at one’s laziness and inaction. If you are still dreaming about something, you know how, but you are still sitting in one place - get angry !!! :)))
