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Either the coronavirus has subsided, or someone decided that this is so - the fact that people are preparing to leave self-isolation. Personally, I have been ready for a long time, but I want to do this in the company of all humanity)) And here it is important to get out of the past of the World as much as possible, since it will no longer be the same, and to start, stop frightening yourself with the future. And at the same time, it is important to remember that no one is ever given tests that a person cannot overcome. And so much adrenaline is never released into the blood that the body cannot cope with. This fact is especially familiar to those who have already dealt with PA (panic attacks). But many are accustomed to living with experiences of the past and future, fueling their regrets, anxiety and fears, and these states have intensified even more in self-isolation. And this threatens to result in neuroses, and someone is already struggling with neurosis. And accordingly, NEUROSIS is considered the main problem, and it hinders you. But this is just the top layer of the problem. And if you really want to get rid of it, and not go to doctors for years and swallow handfuls of drugs, then you should look deeper into your psyche. And when you go down into therapy with your psychologist, you will see this very bottom layer. What is causing your ANXIETY? Some kind of rush, some kind of vanity, some kind of shame... And this does not go away, the problem is not solved... Behind all neuroses there is one thing, the main one, which does not go anywhere. This is a PLATFORM, a SUPPORT on which a person stands. And if this platform is very PAINFUL, then the person will either stand on one leg or simply lie around... This is called INFERIORITY. That is, all neuroses are an INFERIORITY COMPLEX. How does this happen? When a person cannot make decisions on his own, he always relies on the opinion of his mother, father, wife, husband, on the opinion of some people. He cannot be with himself for long. He begins to feel anxious. He is constantly dependent on someone, on work, and is ready to “kill himself” at work. INNORITY COMPLEX is such a “cattle” that you will never feed! It's always about PROVING something to yourself or others... Where did it all start? You need to consider all the “holes” that have formed since childhood and where your energy is drained. Where your parents didn’t give MEANING, didn’t create a safe foundation, or with excessive overprotection “chopped off” your legs... You shouldn’t be ashamed of this complex, it is present in all people - some have more, some have less. We can fix this! You just need to stop running to the halls of the “cinema”, where one hall is the “past”, the other is the “future”. There is a third hall there - the REAL one, and it has everything! There are many options to consider as you begin to imbue yourself with the values ​​you were born with.)
