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Our thoughts and feelings are strongly connected. Like mind and body, everything influences everything. If I lie down all day, I have no strength. I feel weak, I think about it, the body reciprocates. Strength is given according to need, and not vice versa. You can get out of this state by performing conscious activity, inventing a motive for yourself to rise. So the thought will attract the feeling. Realize the need. Either really get up, jump, squat, get the blood flowing a little, breathe some fresh air. And a different mood will appear. So feelings will attract other thoughts. It means creating a need... We all have our own experience, beliefs, habits, preferences. Ways of perception. Prefrontal cortex or amygdala? Some always paid more attention to mental processes. It will not be difficult for such a person to conduct an analysis; self-reflection is a good friend and the main tool. Feelings will seem to be secondary. It’s more difficult to get in touch with them, to live with them, to let them pass through you fully. They can be frozen, repressed, over-rationalized. I understand everything, but that doesn’t make it any easier. I don’t know what I want. But for some people, their feelings are all right, they are in full swing. Heavy, wrench, on the head. May feel like excess, hypersensitivity makes life too painful. There is a comparison of oneself with an exposed nerve. Fatigue and exhaustion of the nervous system may even appear. There is no understanding of what can be done about this - and whether it is possible at all. Feelings of being a hostage to circumstances and one’s own reactions. I just start screaming and crying! I want to control myself, but I can’t! Any imbalance robs us of something important and is experienced as inferiority. There is no integrity, some kind of distortion. Those who like to think should learn to lift themselves up and direct them into action. Leave the mental for the causal. Those who live on the edge of emotions should learn to handle their thoughts in such a way that they add stability. You will get tired enough and one day you will notice that you will not be able to hop on one leg your whole life. It is not comfortable. On two you go further, faster. What does regression have to do with it? And there you can immediately see what kind of fuel you have, what is in excess and what is in short supply. It turns out to be a very convenient diagnosis.) I actively blog, join me. You can contact me on a first-name basis. Yana. Let's get acquainted!
