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After a person is told that he has cancer, his first reaction is shock. Subsequently, the patient goes through the following stages of accepting the diagnosis: denial, when he does not want to believe that this happened to him and refuses to accept it; anger - aggression towards the entire surrounding world, search for the culprit; bargaining - attempts to negotiate with God about a better fate, depression with a feeling of hopelessness, desperation, self-pity, loss of interest in life and attempts to fight, and, finally, acceptance of the situation, agreement with the inevitable fate. A long time may pass between these stages. Different people may have different reactions to the news of a cancerous tumor - from complete denial and disbelief in the diagnosis to rapid suicide. According to statistics, deep depression is observed in 37-50% of cancer patients. And its reason is not only the fear of torment and suffering, the collapse of hopes and plans for the future, but also the fact that those around them expect and even demand recovery from the patient, trying to set him up in a positive way, actively fighting the disease. It is very important that the oncologist has sufficient knowledge in the field of psychology and is able to convey information to the patient about the real state of affairs, without intimidating and, at the same time, without reassuring him without reason. Shock reaction after diagnosis and subsequent depression are understandable, but the excessive dramatization of the situation is largely due to stereotypes about the incurability of cancer. Some patients may refuse surgery and therapy, being confident that the disease will be fatal, and that treatment is useless and difficult to tolerate. Others, on the contrary, rely excessively on a doctor or healer, and often prefer to be treated by the one who gives the most favorable prognosis, regardless of its validity. In addition to treatment, the attending physician has another huge responsibility - how to correctly present the patient with information about his diagnosis, real state of health and prospects, because the consequences of awareness of the disease can be different - both an unfounded belief in a complete recovery and suicide. According to psychotherapists specializing in working with cancer patients, despite the fact that the diagnosis of cancer is a huge psychological stress and entails the destruction of the usual way of life, a change in priorities, a huge number of life problems, even such a serious illness is also part of human life with all its manifestations. The modern level of development of medicine makes it possible to stabilize the patient’s condition and successfully treat him, which means that life goes on, and in addition to the struggle for health and survival, there will be many more good things. Experts believe that the reason for high psycho-emotional tension is lack of awareness. Stress, anxiety, fear of the unknown, feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and loneliness in the face of a serious illness can be significantly reduced if the patient is provided with reliable information about the characteristics of this disease, treatment methods and prospects for recovery. But, unfortunately, in practice, the attending physician often simply does not have the necessary time to pay more attention to the cancer patient and conduct a detailed individual conversation with him. And patients complain not about the doctor’s unprofessionalism, but about the fact that there is no contact with a specialist on whom so much depends. It is important that the sick person knows that there are professional psychologists and psychotherapists who specialize specifically in working with cancer patients. Various public organizations and foundations regularly conduct classes where oncologists, lawyers and oncological psychologists give answers to all questions of interest to cancer patients, talk about modern treatment methods and the latest medical achievements in this area, inform about the features and possible course of the disease, and provide useful information legal or household
