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I ask parents regularly about children’s play. And you know what, surprisingly, many parents begin to “run away from the answer,” and the question of how often do you play with your child makes many nervous tic. Play is the leading activity of a child in preschool age, and even in elementary school its role is very large. In fact, play is a part of human life, integral and surprisingly complex. Very often a parent openly talks about what he does not know how to do, and does not wants to play with his child... That he has grown up a long time ago, and he has no time for games, that he does not know how in principle he can play, that his imagination is bad, he has absolutely no time... that is, he is looking for a thousand reasons to justify himself why the game is not possible and not necessary... At the same time, parents are worried that the child does not want to study, does not know how to communicate with peers and adults... They are worried that the child spends time with gadgets.... The connection between the game and the real world is not obvious to parents the life of a child. And the connection is actually very simple, the game is a multifunctional tool for personality formation. A game is a safe way to learn about the world. And what kind of world the child will explore is determined by an adult. Adult parents greatly exaggerate the value of learning in the classical sense, in the form of practical lessons. In fact, the most effective learning of anything occurs in the form of a game. And there is a simple explanation for this: the game creates an atmosphere of safety in which it is not scary to make mistakes, clarify, move towards the goal, there is a feeling of trust in the world, the rules are clear and, if necessary, they can be clarified, the yoke has boundaries. This all reduces the overall level of anxiety, and the moment of spontaneity does not threaten the whole world, but only suggests that you can adapt to new conditions and change your behavior strategy. By and large, if a Parent does not offer games to his child, then someone else will definitely offer them!💥And the one who offers the games becomes the same significant Adult who will form a picture of the world for the Parents, show ways of interacting with the world.
