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From the author: I can’t understand why most of the article is not posted. I really want the reader to get acquainted with all the material. That's why I'm attaching the link to the article? !The line-between-psychology-and-the-territory-of-God/c1sbz/55d17e590cf2ce5f89acef7cA true scientist, if he does not deceive and persistently moves towards revealing something, will definitely come to God! Anthony of Sourozh Today there is a clear tendency to separate psychology and religion, as well as religion and faith. When reading these publications, I feel strong discomfort, because I have the feeling that, as a psychologist, they are pointing out the limits of my qualities and interests. At these moments, my inner voice says – I am a person who believes in God and works as a psychologist. Briefly about myself, I would say this: - First I was born, then I studied to become a psychologist, then I came to the knowledge of God, and after that I returned to psychology with a feeling of God. As a result, I began to see the line between psychology and the territory of God. Edge! But not division. In my opinion, it is impossible to separate God or psychology from the knowledge of the processes of life, development, renewal, maturation, and death of a person. But in psychology you can easily go without God into human wisdom, arrogance and become infected with false concepts that deaden the sense of ethics. What has not been invented in psychology now. And techniques of reconception, and rebirth, and immersion, and disconnection, and concentration, and even dying. For what? From what? For what? Unclear. I called this phenomenon Spiritual Anorexia. Moreover, this name suddenly jumped out of my mouth when, in a conversation with one mother, I was explaining what was happening to her daughter, who was already in despair trying to find out the meaning of her existence. Well, where else can one find the real meaning of existence if not in God - if not in the knowledge of the Absolute the law of being and Love?! In psychology? I will say right away that this is impossible! It is impossible, because there are moments that are not subject to the logic of existence. To be more precise, I will explain: Psychology reveals the patterns of development and functioning of the psyche, which includes the emotional, intellectual and behavioral spheres. In its individual manifestation, the psyche of each person generates certain feelings, thoughts and behavioral reactions. In a special case, it reveals, renews and enriches them. And you can get very carried away with this human resource. Because there is no limit to the intricacy of people’s thoughts. Personally, I was very passionate about this. My home library has accumulated a lot of books on psychology, photocopied articles, and various dissertations. Walking up to the shelf and stretching out my hand, I could easily pick up the required source and unmistakably open it on the right page. Anyone who saw this action was amazed, and then talked for a long time about my phenomenal memory. But then one day I realized that this intellectual wealth did not give me satisfactory answers to questions that had arisen for a long time. And I clearly saw that there is more! The moment I started reading the New Testament, I burst into tears because I had been out of control for so many years. In my scientific prosperity, I did not see my sins and did not feel the pain of harm caused to myself and other people. Habitual stay in sin took me away from the feeling of a false step, falsehood and lies. I was in this state for many years. A sincere and deep examination of myself at 38 years old showed that I made my first conscious choice and creation of evil at 18 years old. Having realized this, I realized that ignorance of the Absolute and curiosity are the true reasons for the destruction of God’s plan for you and your children. Where does curiosity come from?! From carnal passions: conceit, empty seduction, selfishness, a hard heart, a vain mind, a short-sighted mind, fruitless and frivolous contemplation. All these passions in the human heart kindle the desire for knowledge of “Good” and “Evil”, which is achieved through the roughest trials, errors and consequences. In this search!
