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Replacing problems with games, alcohol and other hobbies is one of the most common negative psychological phenomena in modern society. In a society where stress and pressure are becoming increasingly common, people often look for ways to escape problems such as work, relationships, financial difficulties, etc. They try to find refuge from reality in games, alcohol or other hobbies. However, such replacement is just a temporary way to avoid problems, but it does not and will not solve the true causes of these problems. The main reason for replacing problems with other hobbies is the psychological mechanism of avoiding an unpleasant reality. When people feel stressed or unsatisfied in their lives, they seek short-term comfort through games, alcohol, or other hobbies. In games, they can escape into a virtual world where they can be anyone and do anything without the restrictions of real life. Alcohol and other hobbies also offer temporary relief and escape from problems. But replacing problems is not the solution. Firstly, games, alcohol and other hobbies can create new problems. For example, a person who escapes into games may become addicted to them and forget about real life and its responsibilities. Alcohol can be addictive and lead to physical and mental problems. Hobbies can also negatively affect a person's financial situation or relationships in the social environment. Secondly, replacing problems does not solve their true causes. Solving problems requires recognizing and understanding the very causes of the problem and finding effective ways to solve it. Games, alcohol and other hobbies can only temporarily distract a person from the problem, but they will not solve it. Finally, replacing problems with games, alcohol and other hobbies does not help develop personal qualities and skills. Instead of looking for ways to solve problems, a person goes into a world of fantasy and misses the opportunity to become stronger and more confident in real life. As a result, despite the initial relief, replacing problems with games, alcohol and other hobbies is an unproductive way of escaping reality. To solve problems, you need to look for their true causes and find effective ways to resolve them. The psychological approach to solving this problem is to develop healthy strategies for coping with problems and emotions. This includes recognizing problems, expressing emotions, developing stress management skills, and developing healthy ways to relax and have fun. Depending on the situation, a psychologist can help the client find effective and adaptive ways to cope with problems and strategies for developing skills that will strengthen psychological and emotional resilience. I carefully approach working with clients so that you can receive qualified psychological assistance. The office is located at: Astrakhan , Admiralteyskaya st., 46, building 3, floor 2, office No. 5 Make an appointment for a consultation by phone +79170853916
