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As often happens, a person does not live for himself. For mom, for dad, for a loved one nearby, for children. Sometimes they live for work (less often, for an idea) or for a dog/cat. And behind such a position one can often see self-denial. We may not even imagine our life without others. Own life!!! Unfortunately, with this attitude towards ourselves we devalue our personality and lose the meaning of our lives. And often we don’t even notice that, having lost ourselves and our lives, we have nothing to share with those who are dear to us. And the saddest thing is that others also feel this very well and stop appreciating us. It happens that we are looking for the meaning of life, we want to love and be loved, we want happiness for our children... That is, we want something for others, we are looking for use for ourselves or some benefit from ourselves for someone. But rarely does anyone ask themselves the question: why am I for myself? Why did I come to this bright, amazing, complex, but still beautiful world? Yes, of course, I want to bring something from my heart into this world and for the people close to me. But I come into this life for myself. What am I giving myself with this life? What experience? What values? And there is no talk of selfishness here. After all, if I lose myself, I won’t be able to give anything to anyone. They tell me that they are not used to thinking about themselves and their value, that no one has ever thought of them as worthless or even humiliated them with the words: you still have to earn a good attitude! We don’t need to deserve anything - we already deserve everything simply by the fact of our birth. The universe gave us life and personality out of its great love. This means that we are worthy of this love and respect from the very beginning. And if you suddenly forgot about it, now is a great time to regain yourself and your life. Where to begin? From observing your breathing. Ideally, devote at least 23 minutes a day to this activity. It’s cozy and comfortable to sit while sitting or during a leisurely walk (the main thing is not to lie down, otherwise you’ll fall asleep!). If I'm at home, I like to light a candle and place it so I can admire the flame. And pay attention to the fact that we are breathing. You don’t have to do anything with your breathing - you breathe in the best way for you. But the breath itself is magical! It shows that you exist, that you are alive, that you are one with this world through your breath. A part of the Universe in the form of a breath of air flows into your lungs and gives you life. You don’t do anything special, but breathing connects you with the whole world and all living beings in it - we breathe the same air. And gradually your thoughts will begin to calm down, and you yourself will begin to return to yourself. Most likely, not at once. But this is a useful place to start. Remember about yourself, take care and appreciate yourself. Value yourself not for something, not for your skills, not for your strengths and abilities. Value yourself because you are. Every life is valuable and unique. Heal yourself, grow yourself. You are a treasure in this world, even if you think of yourself differently now.
