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If it is difficult for you to refuse a person’s request and you agree, even if it is to your detriment. If you want to say “no”, but say “yes”, and then reproach yourself for it. If you are afraid that “no” will upset the other. If you think that when you refuse, the person will stop communicating with you. If you think that refusing small requests is petty and low. If you are afraid of being rejected when you refuse something. If it’s hard to say “no,” then think about this: When I say no, I’m rejecting the request, not the person. I have the right to say no. When I say “yes” to someone, I’m saying “no” to myself. 🔹I may underestimate another person's ability to handle rejection.🔹I don't have to live up to someone else's expectations.🔹What I experience when I get rejected is related to how I feel. Another person experiences theirs, and they may be very different from mine. Perhaps one of the points will help you look differently at your “yes” when you want to say “no”. If your thinking has begun to change and you are ready to refuse, but don’t know how to do it. You can use the following recommendations: Be direct and honest, but not rude. Refuse quickly. Don’t make excuses - you have the right to say no. Take responsibility for your refusal. Say “I don’t want to,” not “I can’t.”🔸 Be polite. Say, for example: “I am pleased that you contacted me, but...”🔸 Speak slowly and friendly. Often, the ability to refuse is formed in childhood based on the experience of relationships with parents, relatives, peers, educators, and teachers. Perhaps you had to do what your parents told you to feel loved. Your refusal caused them to be rejected, cold, or not accept your refusal. Or when you refused, you received a negative reaction in the form of aggression towards you. Or you’ve heard about how bad you are and you can’t do that. All of these affect as negative experiences in which you felt unwanted, rejected or bad. But this behavior of people is just manipulation. To get what they need from you. And then you were a child and sometimes you had no choice. Now you are an adult and can choose how to behave in such situations!
