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Are you having trouble enjoying your successes? Do you feel like you have no merit here? And soon everyone will understand that you were just lucky and you are not who you say you are. It is these internal sensations that are called “imposter syndrome” (IS). It can manifest itself in absolutely any person and in completely different areas of life, both professional and personal. At the same time, people with SS do not stand out among others. What lies behind this syndrome? Desire to be the best and high demands on oneself “Impostors” often set extremely difficult goals for themselves and experience deep disappointment when they cannot achieve them. Lack of self-confidence Every new success for “imposters” can become an even greater reason for self-doubt. They deny their competence and attribute their success to chance. Fear of mistakes and failureEven if people with STS are not satisfied with the state of their affairs, fear of failure prevents them from moving forward. Feeling guilty about their success Believing that success was achieved by chance and undeservedly, they feel like deceivers. Because of this they feel guilty. The following types of “impostors” are distinguished: Experts are dissatisfied with the results of their work until they know absolutely everything about it. However, the time spent collecting information may not be enough to complete the task itself. Accordingly, quality will suffer. Born geniuses Set the bar high. At the same time, they strive to demonstrate that solving the problem is easy and quick for them. If they encounter difficulties, they experience fear, disappointment, and lack of confidence in their abilities. Perfectionists set inflated goals for themselves. They feel disappointed if they are not achieved. They are very worried about this. They do not feel satisfied with the work done, because... We are sure that we could have done better. Soloists Prefer to work alone, because... afraid of appearing incompetent. They refuse help to demonstrate their importance. Superheroes underestimate their abilities. They consider themselves worse than others. Therefore, they work even more intensively to achieve the level they think they need. This can lead to health problems, both physical and mental. So, impostor syndrome can be beneficial. After all, the fear of exposure forces us to develop all the time. But “imposters” may experience the following states: fear, shame, anxiety, disappointment, self-doubt, depression. And if such a condition is left uncontrolled, it can become destructive for a person. Are you familiar with impostor syndrome? Svetlana Sherstina, psychologist. Cost of consultation: 6000 rubles 50 min. Reception location: Novoslobodskaya, 18. To make an appointment, write to WhatsApp: 89261041045
