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When working with money thinking, the main component in motivation and the search for tasks to achieve desires and results can be an emotional reaction such as envy. This emotion arises for various reasons, the main ones of which are parental attitudes, family traditions and values, and social conditions in which early human development occurs. Our brain is designed in such a way that the signal travels along the usual neural circuits much faster and is sometimes beyond a person’s control. Starting new habits, acquiring new knowledge or working in new practices involves protecting the psyche: You can laugh uncontrollably at yourself or someone when you’re scared. You can devalue and reject when you yourself can’t, haven’t tried, or don’t have the energy to even think about it. You can avoid and keep silent. And all this is out of fear of changing what is familiar, even if it is inconvenient. See how the children resolved the issue of envy from the story. Remember, maybe some of the readers are also ready to destroy, break, throw away or run away in order to maintain the usual state. Three cups. Erna and Tata have three cups. It is impossible to divide them equally. The one who gets one cup during the game suffers from envy and cries, and the one who has two of them puts on airs and teases the sufferer. Suddenly, before the game, it dawns on Erna: “Let’s break one cup!” Tata is delighted: “Let’s break it!” This is the first one! a mathematical problem that they had to solve, and they solved it brilliantly, because after destroying the cup they were able to play in a friendly manner without hurting each other. The situation encountered in the adult world is different from breaking an extra cup. What can a person “sacrifice” to solve problems of mutual resentment? Or maybe not resentment at all, but let’s call this feeling envy. Can we avoid our feeling of envy or is it better to accept it and admit it to the object? This reveals more than just weakness and the summation of comparing oneself with others. At the same time, there may be a keen interest in the path along which a person walked to an enviable result. Questions about life to successful and rich people are the same envy, only at first glance it is absolutely white and fluffy. With a hint of sincere delight or desire to know the secret of success. And when the algorithm for achieving millions does not fit within the framework of one’s own life scenario, one’s own regime, temperament or energy reserves, there is a desire to break an extra cup and release anger while realizing the unattainable. How could girls have solved a math problem with inequality differently? How do you feel about envy? Do you recognize it in yourself? psychologist, psychosomatologist Yakovenko Galina Anatolyevna Viber WhatsApp 89271287007 Telegram channel Angels of Fortune
