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One of the main reasons for this unpleasant state is a person’s deep rejection of himself as an individual. This means that he has an internal split, between the real self and the ideal self. And in a sense, a person is tired of going unsuccessfully into the realm of his unattainable ideal.⠀He remains with strong fear and the experience of his imperfection, ashamed of himself and his characteristics, rejection of non-acceptance. And the work of various cognitive distortions starts, thanks to which a person believes that he is rejected, not by a single person, but by the whole world as a whole. He begins to turn on catastrophizing, finding reinforcement for his negative experience. People experiencing these painful sensations often become depressed because they see around them a total depreciation and loss of meaning, something that used to have some meaning. And the person feels that he is alone, as if in a well, the exit from which is narrowing.⠀The second reason is the feeling of constant loneliness, this is a traumatic upbringing in childhood, in which the child was subjected to systematic rejection, non-acceptance, criticism.⠀As a result of this attitude, it creates shame and global disappointment in people. The reason for this is internal distrust of people, disbelief in their sincerity, kindness, love.⠀And all this leads to the fact that a person, fearing pain and discomfort, decides not to encounter anyone, so as not to experience this pain again and again.⠀Therefore, external loneliness always corresponds to the inner. Therefore, people often feel lonely when in society, experiencing melancholy and rejection, because they understand that others cannot satisfy any of their important needs.⠀And as a result, a person develops an unconscious longing for an ideal merger and the search for a stable person who will love and will not betray you.⠀It is very difficult to deal with this on your own, and even a course of antidepressants will not replace psychotherapy and working with a specialist. In the next article I will tell you how to overcome this. ======================================================= ============================================I will be glad 👍 ))) if I see you among my subscribers and the opportunity to share useful and interesting👍) And if you liked my article and helped in some way, share it on social networks, maybe it will help someone else too. Thank you) Sign up for a consultation Subscribe to all my articles and blog notes here My webinars for professional psychologists © Copying and reprinting of articles is permitted only with attribution and a link. Clinical psychologist Vyukov A.S. 2019. All rights reserved.
