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From the author: Sometimes a topic for thought can be found in the nearest store. True, true! Based on materials from Svetlana Oskolkova’s author’s blog “Your Psychologist” Curiosity is not a vice, but a great disgusting thing. Because I always want to stick my nose where it shouldn't. And at the most inopportune moment. And completely irrelevant to my business. And in general it is not polite. This irritates some people. Many others pass by and don't notice anything. Doing real things. They think about their own things. Seriously. But I’m a blogger. Psychological and psychotherapeutic orientation. Those. must show curiosity, curiosity and see what others, in principle, do not notice. Especially cute human weaknesses and delusions. I used to find this interesting, but now it’s also tempting to make a post out of everything I noticed. Create another article almost out of thin air and slap it on the blog. Therefore, great disgusting is simply my duty! Responsibility to readers. With a capital letter. I discovered such a pearl of folk advertising art in a household goods store. Marketing with a twist, so to speak. Not an announcement, but a cry from the heart. The quintessence of popular views on family problems. Citizen, don't pass by! Who is the boss in your family? Are you or not? Cut off the bitch, get a bitch. The second is simply automatically attached to the first. And everything will be fine in the family household. Although a lot of questions immediately arise for such experts: Who is the boss in the house? And who lives with the owner? And who needs a master? What are you, a cat or a pet monkey? No? Why can’t you manage things on your own? And you, like the owner, why did you get yourself the above-mentioned creature? Do you like being a ruler? Why are almost all bitches at the early stages of dating sodomestic? At what stage does the transformation of a nice and sweet woman into an embittered woman take place? And who is to blame? And on what (or maybe who) does the speed of transformation depend? And why for one you are a bitch, and for another you are a lady? Moreover, almost at the same time? Are the bitch and the lady two different types of female personality? Or is it not? After all, the words sudarushka and bitch begin with the same syllable “su”. Maybe these are two poles of the same molecule? Molecules of a woman. Women. And what should you cut off in this case? Is it possible to remove one pole of a dipole while leaving the other? Is a female free radical viable? Why don’t women themselves feel this transformation? Although they sincerely believe that bitches and scumbags exist independently. Moreover, these are two completely incompatible categories of ladies. I myself, of course, am a bitch, but most of the others are bitches, and what kind of ones too. Especially the one who is now looking at “mine” - she’s definitely a bitch squared off. And maybe it’s not so much a matter of daring bitches. And not even those who consider themselves their masters. Maybe it's a matter of deep imperfection in our relationship? What if the very system of human interaction called “family” is somewhat outdated? At least in the form to which we are all accustomed. What do you think? And why do both loppers and fertilizer with the cute name “Sudarushka” sell so poorly at the hardware store? Moreover, the majority of its employees are women. It seems inexpensive. And useful. Sort of. And what were the saleswomen actually thinking about when they printed this ad? Or about whom? And do they know about the eternal male fear of castration, which they are trying to overcome in this simple way?-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------1. A lopper is a garden tool used for cutting shoots and branches of trees located high above the ground. The price indicated in the advertisement is 496 rubles.2. “Sudarushka” is a universal complex fertilizer for vegetable crops. The cost of a sachet (60 g) is 11 rubles.
