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From the author: For AiF Is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) a mental disorder? What is childhood hyperactivity, where does attention deficit come from and how to raise a restless child - said psychologist Yulia Konovalova. Despite the fact that in our time hyperactivity and autism are more common than usual in growing children, in essence, attention deficit disorder is the inability to maintain attention for a long time time on one object or action. Such children are very mobile, they constantly change activities and rarely complete anything. Such images as “an awl in one place”, “what I see, that’s what I sing about” - are very suitable for such children. REFERENCEHyperactivity is a condition in which a person’s activity and excitability exceeds the norm. If similar behavior is a problem for others, hyperactivity is treated as a mental disorder. Causes of hyperactivity may include infections, birth injuries, difficult childbirth, lead poisoning, or poor diet. Hyperactivity is more common in children and adolescents than in adults. Statistically, hyperactivity is 4 times more common in boys. Symptoms almost always appear between 2 and 3 years of age. The average age for visiting a doctor is 8-10 years. They may see a bird and, imitating it, begin to run, then their eyes catch on a toy and they begin to play with it, then they will be distracted by a rustling sound, and they will tell what is happening there - and so on all the time. Their imagination is often very active, and their imagination is rich. They begin to tell some incredible stories, but their attention is rarely enough to finish these stories. Information overload There is a theory that in our time space is very overloaded with information and objects; in principle, even an adult finds it very difficult to concentrate in conditions of the metropolis. When the child’s psyche cannot cope with the experience of reality, the child “leaves” it for other worlds. When a child begins to live in all worlds at the same time, including fantasy ones, and cannot stay in one of them, this is similar to hyperactivity. In any case, this is a way to cope with a reality that is constantly changing and in which it is uncomfortable, unsafe, and too anxious. Traumatic events, such as moving, parental divorce, or other serious changes in a child’s life, can provoke a more pronounced manifestation of ADHD. But for attention deficit disorder to develop, there must be a predisposition and a mental disorder. By the age of 4-5 the disorder is already clearly visible, and by 6-7 it manifests itself in full. If you have ever tried to repeat all the actions that a small child performs for at least a few hours, you know that a few hours are not enough almost no adults - we get tired much earlier, while the child continues to play his games as if nothing had happened. A child with ADHD is many times more active than usual. Of course, with such a child it is very difficult for both parents and teachers. Often they try to force such children to sit still and be silent for a long time, but to no avail. The baby will honestly try, but after some time you will notice how his body itself begins to twitch, crawl and make movements. Although the child is still trying. Have pity on the child - he himself does not understand what is happening to him and because he cannot fulfill your demands, his anxiety only intensifies. Which, in turn, only aggravates the situation. Boundaries and routines When raising such special children, parents will have to be patient. Only methodical and constant consolidation of boundaries contributes to the development of concentration. At least several times a day, catch your child and hold him in a hug. He gains the experience of stopping and the feeling of an external boundary that a calm adult maintains. For such kids.
