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MindLatent is a program that solves problems related to the reliability and predictability of a person, determining his true motives, predicting behavior and assessing attitudes towards a particular act, phenomenon or person. MindLatent identifies the subjective significance of groups of words, collected from lexical units or pictures of similar meaning, under conditions of masked presentation and registration of reactions that are not consciously controlled. MindLatent makes it possible to conduct a full-fledged survey of a person in conditions where his consciousness is not involved in the process of this survey. And although a person is not asleep and is not in an altered state of consciousness, he has no idea what he is being asked about, and is not able to analyze the question and give a false answer. And all this - within a few minutes of working one-on-one with a computer without the presence of a specialist. How does this happen? The main idea embedded in the program installed on a regular personal computer is as follows. Pre-prepared words or pictures are quickly displayed on the monitor. They are displayed in such a way that instead of words or pictures, the test taker sees numbers or a meaningless mosaic that the program “overlays” on top of the main stimulus. The test taker presses a mouse button in his hand as each stimulus appears on the screen. The program records reaction time - the time elapsed from the moment the stimulus is presented to the moment the button is pressed. The person taking the test does not realize that he is answering some questions, but the brain, nevertheless, understands the information hidden behind the numbers and mosaics , records and reacts to it regardless of the will and desire of a person. It is clear that the person being tested will not be able to prepare in advance for such a procedure and cannot control his reaction. The brain reacts differently to different stimuli. If a series of stimuli contains words or phrases that are absolutely significant for a person, he reacts to their presentation more violently than to stimuli that are of little significance to him. Or rather, the person’s subconscious will react, bypassing consciousness. Let us recall that this is precisely what allows us to obtain accurate, unfalsified answers. The respondent perceives what is happening to him during the procedure as a game in which everything depends on his dexterity and attentiveness, without even suspecting hidden stimuli. The special mathematical apparatus of the program allows you to convert the test results into a report form that is easy to understand and interpret, which lands on your desk immediately after completing the test. During a fifteen-minute test, about one and a half thousand stimuli are presented. You can research about a dozen topics, find out a person’s true attitude towards them. You need to be able to correctly use the data obtained about the subjective significance of a group of words belonging to one or another sphere of human life. For this, there are certain rules, the totality of which forms the basis of the method. Each testing procedure is carried out for a specific purpose. It cannot be carried out “in general”, for example, trying to draw a “psychological portrait” of a person. The goal that we are going to achieve as a result of the procedure must be extremely formalized. If the goal is defined, we put forward a hypothesis, which we will confirm or refute depending on the results of the testing, which will serve to achieve the goal. It is necessary to determine a group of words, a significant response to which will confirm our hypothesis. For example: - Family and children: family problems, significant family events - Resentment: a feeling of resentment - Depression: a condition or illness, illness of close significant people - Aggression: aggressive intentions, fear of becoming a victim of aggression - God: sect, religious fanaticism - Death: addiction to suicide, fear of death, loss of close significant people - Fear: feeling of fear We use these words in preparing stimulus material for the testing procedure, i.e. We create a so-called semantic base - a set of stimuli and commands that will be executed in the procedure.
