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Do what you want! Has this ever happened to you as a child, when you wanted to do something, but your mother forbade you to do it? And you stood your ground, whined, argued with her. In the end, mom got tired of all this, and she said displeasedly: “Yes, do what you want!” And after these magic words, you immediately suddenly stopped wanting to do it. It became embarrassing and embarrassing. It seems that permission was formally given, but the subtext of these words was more than clear. In general, from childhood it was quite dangerous to do what you wanted. After all, everything has always been forbidden: don’t go there, you can’t do it, don’t ask for it. At school there were even more prohibitions: don’t fidget, don’t laugh, you must listen, understand, teach. You won’t go for a walk at home until you’ve done your homework, etc. But I wanted to write not about the difficult life of a child, where a child by default should be ashamed of his every desire, but about the adults who emerge from such children. Some adults have so many “shoulds” and “shoulds” that the word “want” becomes somehow mythical. This is also facilitated by relatives who, of course, only want the best: “You should go to this university,” “He is a bad candidate for a husband,” “Go to this job, your uncle will get you a job,” “You won’t be able to start.” your own business, it’s very difficult”, “In our country you better not rock the boat”, “You should love your relatives”, “You’re soon 30 and don’t have children yet?” and so on... Some desperate daredevils are struggling with these poisonous signs of “good” from people dear to their hearts, but even they begin to confuse their “want” with their “should”: “Yes, I definitely want a child, and it’s time. And I will travel later, when the children grow up. Then I’ll start a business. Family is more important, yes,” “Yes, it’s a stable job. I'll wait for a promotion. And my hobby will never be able to bring me a decent income. And you have to feed your family.” And these people themselves already believe that these are their own desires, and not those imposed by someone from the outside. Someone who, many years ago, said goodbye to his own desires and accepted someone else’s as his own. And then one day you wake up and feel an aching emptiness in your soul. And everything suddenly loses its colors. Everything is starting to irritate. And you won’t notice how you will turn into a tired, gray and boring person who doesn’t know what he wants. So what to do? How to live your life? What is the secret of happiness? Learn to listen and hear yourself! Understand what exactly you want. And do it. Don't be afraid of anything. Argue with your family, defending your opinion. You might even quarrel. It's better than putting up with it and living someone else's life. Remember, you were given this life. Gifted, not sold! And you don’t have to pay off the loan all your life, fulfilling other people’s wishes. The only meaning of this life is to be happy. And if you are happy sitting alone on Mount Everest, you will be a thousand times more right than the unhappy person who is sitting in the softest and most expensive office chair. I want to say that as a child you were protected and limited enough. Now it's time to give yourself freedom. And what exactly do you want??
