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Body hygiene (washing, brushing teeth) How to teach a baby to wash his face and brush his teeth? By imitation. Little boys love to go to the bathroom with their dads to “shave.” If dad doesn’t scare the baby away, the child will quickly learn all the intricacies of morning procedures by imitation. Girls look at their mothers and enjoy “painting their lips” in front of the mirror. It can also affect your mother in the bathroom, while washing and using a toothbrush. Developing a useful skill and additional communication with parents, plus interesting soap and a funny toothbrush. Room hygiene (cleaning children's toys) Every adult wants his child to grow up neat: keep his clothes in order, put his things in place, take care of strangers things, helped elders. How to teach a small child to keep order? Order is beautiful and convenient. And positive emotions are caused by the result, not the process itself. The desire to put things in order usually naturally develops after adolescence, and often only when a person starts his own family and begins to build his own home. While a child lives in the territory of adults and occupies a subordinate position, he is not responsible for anything around him. Therefore, one should not expect that a 2-3 year old child will show desire and responsibility in cleaning up toys. Children like to put things in their places and cleanliness. Children are usually pedantic, neat not due to educated habit, but due to their character traits (more often these are girls). The downside of such a character is tightness in behavior, inability to gamble, and lack of initiative. Children who play with enthusiasm and interest are not able to abruptly leave the game and therefore the toys remain where they were forgotten. That. reluctance to put things in order is an age norm, while the presence of some skills in this activity is rather a pleasant surprise. Where should you start? Learning to put things in order best occurs through joint activities with an adult or through play. Don’t forget that learning any skills presupposes that other family members also have them. Since the main mechanism of a child's social behavior is imitation, it is better to raise a child by simply placing him next to you and showing him what to do and how to do it, rather than telling him how good children should act. If none of the adults burdens themselves with maintaining the order that is required of the child, then such training will not be effective. To develop the skill of cleaning up toys in a child, care must be taken to limit the territory in which he is allowed to play. It must be taken into account that cleaning should not interrupt the child’s play or prevent it from continuing. If he left a castle made of cubes on the floor, it would be wrong to remove it - this means interrupting the creative process, which may not resume. Come up with some kind of conditioned signal that will help you attract the baby’s attention in a playful way. For example, before you start tidying up, always turn on some cheerful music or ring a bell. And it will be great if the child also responds to you with some pre-agreed gesture, for example, raising his palm up. Particularly gifted parents can come up with a chant that can be sung by the family choir before starting chores. If you take on cleaning the nursery yourself, without or in the child’s absence, he may get the impression that someone will always do his duties. Try together with your child, even if he is still very young, to put things in order in his children’s room. Let him just hold a toy bag or take out from under the sofa something that is more difficult for an adult to get. Publicly, thank the child for his help, and if necessary, ask for help with cleaning adult things: “You do it so well, I wouldn’t do that.” I could!” When cleaning together, communicate with your baby in a playful way. Lethe puts the toys under your count, which you say in a funny voice. Or try inviting your child to turn into a bulldozer to push blocks and cars off the carpet into the corner. All this will greatly brighten up a tedious task for the child, and it will not become fixed in his head as an inevitable evil. With children from 4 years old, you can already agree on cleaning the toys in your room yourself, using the technique of tokens, which helps the child develop the necessary useful skill. The conditions for a child to receive a token are to clean up toys without an adult’s reminder at a certain time in the evening. The contract with the child includes clear conditions and the expected reward if these conditions are met. Six tokens collected during the week give the right to fulfill a child’s wish on Sunday (this could be a trip to the park, to a children’s playground, or to a book market to buy an interesting book for a child, etc.). Thus, you can develop skills in other areas of the child’s life, for example, quickly undressing after a walk and putting all things in place, brushing teeth in the mornings and evenings, getting up in the morning or going to bed in an organized manner, etc. Also, the process of cleaning a room can be turned into an exciting game with elements of mathematics and logic. An important plus: in addition to putting the house in order, you will also repeat and consolidate the knowledge your child acquired in classes in kindergarten or school. First, tell your child why people need different classifications. Give an example of the arrangement of books in a library, goods on shelves in a store, newspapers and souvenirs in a kiosk, and dishes in your kitchen. Explain that categorization helps you keep things organized and help you find things quickly. Play the following game: the child asks where you keep threads, needles, scissors, knives, forks, photographs. You answer from memory, and your son and daughter check whether you said it correctly. Then, change roles. Now you ask the child where he keeps T-shirts, socks, pencils, games - and you check whether everything is named correctly. The child will see the practical benefits of classifications and gradually begin to worry about maintaining order in the house. Four logic games that help make the cleaning process easy and fun. 1. "Groups". We divide all the objects in the room into groups: toys in one group, clothes in another, pencils, paints, etc. in the third. Smaller subgroups: all cars, all soldiers, all dolls, all dishes. We divide clothing into outer and underwear (underwear) or winter and summer. We distribute shoes by type (sneakers, shoes, sandals, boots) or by how they are fastened (with laces, with a zipper, fastener, Velcro, without fasteners). Books can be divided into adult and children's books; for fiction, encyclopedias and textbooks. You can vary here as much as you like.2. “Pay your bills in order.” Dividing items into groups is already the lion's share of cleaning. And then invite the child to place objects of one subgroup in order, for example, by color, size, height, etc. Let’s say all the books are arranged on the bookshelf by height, cars by size, soldiers and dolls by height, etc. (you need to place them in the places where these objects should be).3. "Find a match." Kids really like finding the lost pair. Give them a mountain of socks and let them find a pair for each. Hide one shoe on purpose. In search of his pair, the child must group all the shoes, and immediately on the shelf, so as not to get confused.4. “We count objects.” Invite your child to count how many objects he has grouped today. So, five dolls, ten soldiers, three cars - a total of 18 toys. Two pairs of sneakers, one pair of shoes, three pairs of boots - six pairs of shoes in total. With older children, you can even draw a graph or diagram. At the end of the week, based on seven graphs, make one, generalizing one, and draw a conclusion - how many total toys (shoes, books, clothes) did your son or daughter put away (and therefore scattered!) during the week. If there are several children, you can arrange between
