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Parents often make the mistake of thinking that a childhood in abundance is equal to a childhood in love. The modern economic situation allows us to have an order of magnitude more benefits of civilization than we had even a couple of decades ago. And this is precisely what parents are guided by when they “harness” in pursuit of the best for their child. From time to time, adult “children” turn to me for psychological help, who, thanks to their parents, have always been well-fed, well dressed, graduated from a prestigious university and... have come to a crisis in their lives. Why? But because behind all these gifts, parents forgot to give the child the most important thing - their love and attention. I do not at all deny the value of good nutrition and education - I just want to show that it is important not just to feed and clothe a child, but it is important to love him. This can be learned. For a happy life, any child needs the attention of his parents and the satisfaction of his emotional needs. And for this, parents who are determined to “invest” in their child and pass on to him everything that they themselves lacked in childhood and life need to learn to reconfigure themselves to different behavior. A balanced diet for further success in your child’s life is a combination of 9 parts of praise and joy for all, even the smallest, from your point of view, child’s successes. And only 1 part of the comments on what you want to change in his behavior. And this last part is given without getting personal, but briefly and essentially talks about what the child should do differently. In terms of teaching academic knowledge, these requirements are perfectly met by the so-called “green pen method.” “The “green pen” method was developed by Tatyana Ivanko, when she was studying with her daughter using notebooks to prepare her hand for writing. However, you can try using this “green paste” principle in other areas of teaching and parenting! He teaches a student of any age not to concentrate on failures, but to notice his successes! This is an important coaching approach.” Source: science-psy.dirty.ru Parents think that many children’s impulses need to be limited, but that’s exactly what it “seems.” And in practice, parents control much more than necessary and often not in the most environmentally friendly forms. For example, parents can constantly tell a teenager, a young man, and even an adult that he is still too small and helpless, that he will not succeed for this reason . The traumatic nature of such an approach to controlling their adult son or daughter for all participants in the interaction is obvious. I will only draw your attention to what parents do in this way to protect their child, and thus, they show their care and love as best they can. It’s easiest to give money, but it’s much more difficult to let a child into your wounded heart into adulthood. Instead of protecting your child from “non-childish problems,” you can talk to him about them with the same respect for the child’s ability to understand you as if he were You were your adult relative. Listen to this recommendation, and you will make a unique discovery that it turns out that you can come to an agreement with a child. And even with your child you can come to an agreement. Don't believe me? That's right, don't believe it, it's better to check it in practice. This approach satisfies the most important emotional need of your child - the need to feel important and significant for the parents and their family as a whole. So, love is not in money and happiness is not in the constant presence of parents next to the child!
