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Fear is an integral part of the life of every person, accompanying him from birth to death. It depends only on the person himself whether fear will become his ally or whether he will have to hide from it all his life. Fear is a natural process that performs the function of security in a person’s life. Fear is an unconscious reaction of our body to a real or imagined danger. It makes a person cautious and allows him to become protected. It depends on a person’s choice whether fear will help or hinder him in life. When does fear become a deadly weapon? Fear becomes pathological when a person does not understand its meaning and is unable to cope with it. In this case, the person has a negative attitude towards his fears, denies them and pushes them out of his life. Such a distorted attitude towards fear complicates a person’s life, filling his existence with underestimation of his strengths, uncertainty and loneliness, and also prevents the development of a person’s personality. When does fear help a person develop? Fear becomes productive if a person accepts it and does not treat it negatively. In this case, a person discovers in himself abilities that were previously closed to him. When a person overcomes his fear, opportunities for growth and development open up for him to move forward productively. To overcome fear, you need to leave your comfort zone and get into the risk zone, and this is always about meeting new challenges. But in this case, despite the anxiety and suffering, the person pushes the limits of his comfort zone a little further, gaining new useful experience where he previously experienced fear. Confidence, freedom and independence become the companions of such a person. In order to overcome fear, “look it in the eye,” you must have courage, that is, be prepared for possible defeats. This plays a big role in accepting your fear. He who can accept the possibility of his defeat can accept his fear. Do you know the difference between a brave person and a coward? Their difference is not in the absence of fear, but in the ability to control it and use it for growth and development, to move forward. Everything in our life is filled with meaning, including our fears. Sincerely, your psychotherapist, coach, interpersonal relationship specialist, Natalya Akhmedova
