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Self-love = Responsibility Because. I’m a psychologist about facing the truth and calling everything by its proper name, let’s start with the following: a poor person is one who does not have money for food, shelter, light, clothing, etc. beggar ford is one who does not have LOUIS VUITTON, Gucci, etc., i.e. someone who cannot afford a certain segment of clothing, services, and other things is social slang. That is, a person is poor, has food, shelter, electricity, the Internet and a phone in his hand - since you write me such messages and your basic ones are closed needs are the first step of Maslow's pyramid. This all suggests that you are not in poverty fortunately. Everything that is written below is for those who are definitely 18+ You work and/or study at a university/institute You have time, knowledge, skills that can be exchanged for the equivalent of money. How long? The question is now for you. Not satisfied? Change it! Talk to management, justify it, offer options for which you can be paid additionally, study - improve your skill level. This is your responsibility!!! Let's move on - count: How much money a year do you spend on alcohol, cigarettes, drugs? How much money do you spend on decorative cosmetics, which more than cover your basic needs? How much money do you spend on soda, fast food, fast food, pizza, etc. - for nibbling, for chewing, for keeping yourself busy with something? How much money do you spend on entertainment - movies, parties, cafes, billiards, bowling, hookah? How much money do you spend on clothes, accessories, bags, perfume, which more than covers basic needs - tired of what you have, you want to be trendy, fashionistas, etc.? This is the amount that you got, this is the minimum for everyone until 02/23/2022 - 300,000 rubles. a year is the bare minimum! You spend this money to cover your internal pains and traumas, starting from adolescence - first for some it’s their parents’/friends’ money, then yours. And now you, for example, are 25-35 years old there - that is, for 5-10 years you are able and know how to support yourself. Let’s calculate the minimum expenses per year: 300,000 rubles * 10 years of life already lived = 3,000,000 rubles. injuries, pains - a hole in the soul tend to intensify over the years - because... teenage hormones and adrenaline decrease, and the hole increases + if there is a chemical dependence, then it also increases (the previous dose is no longer enough), i.e. we can safely multiply * by 2 more and the years go by * by another 30 years = you are 60 years old and you spent (300,000*2*30) = 18,000,000 + for previous years 30,000,000 = 21,000,000 rubles That is. every average citizen of Russia from 20 to 60 years old will spend 21,000,000 rubles in order to somehow survive and exist, suffer and hate themselves, the people around, the state, the world, life in general and cope with these “fucking feelings” while in servicing your injuries, because No one can pull it out and cross it out on their own. And we haven’t yet calculated the costs of medicines and health treatment. I think no one will have any doubts that we are spending money on this. And now, the point of revelation is that the demand for closing one’s internal “hole”/trauma, pain is increasing (the level of consumerism), and the standard of living is either the same or decreasing (by today, from 02/24/2022, it is actively decreasing rapidly for many), which leads to debts, credit cards - which also increases your internal state into a not very good one, that you really want to “fill it in, remove it, throw it away, pull it out, turn it off.” And in this state, of course, you will write and speak with great claims that you do not have money for a psychologist. There is money for booze, drugs, sweets, cake, fast food. Many who are in this state think that there is no way out of this vicious circle. What am I leading to? Not to poverty. Not to go into forest, go to Bali and live in a hut. (Hurting the feelings of those whose values ​​are there is no such task. For a person living in a metropolis, there is a desire and desire to live in comfort and beauty, surrounding oneself with this is normal!) BUT.
