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Euphoria and depression may be associated with an unmet need during the oral stage of a child's development (infancy). If the infant is not supported, given enough mother's milk, does not remain in constant physical contact with him and does not show proper love and care, such a child may become either dependent or counter-dependent (showing others that he does not need anyone, but is just as dependent), becoming an adult. These people crave love to such an extent that they merge with others (often without noticing it themselves), where they begin to emerge again traumatic experiences in early childhood. If you feel terrible in a relationship but feel it is impossible to leave, or are afraid of the relationship itself, then you tend to fall into a fusion where the other person becomes your mother figure. Needs unmet in infancy cannot to be compensated by others in adulthood, no matter how many people try to satisfy them for you. No one can replace the sense of security and dissatisfaction that was lacking in childhood. Until these needs are met, the oral needs of an adult will continue to influence his behavior, leading, at a minimum, to mood swings from depression to euphoria. To satisfy unfulfilled needs, it is necessary to seek security within oneself, since no amount of love, admiration and recognition from the outside can fill the inner emptiness. This emptiness can only be filled with self-love and self-care. The psychotherapeutic process includes experiencing internal conflicts, emotions, closing internal deficits, as well as changing beliefs and thinking caused by restrictions and the parent’s refusal to satisfy the child’s once important needs. Ultimately, such individuals become their own positive parent, which they so lacked in childhood, thereby helping them find in themselves those internal resources that were once inaccessible in order to forever avoid the cyclical forms of their conditions.
