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It’s strange, very strange, when you can leave, stay...Lately I’ve come across stories about women who suffer all their lives, moreover, even in life there are examples of personal acquaintance with such women . And it seems like listening to their stories, you become imbued with understanding, even sometimes you feel sorry for how this happens in life... And sometimes with tears in your eyes or in your soul you listen to such stories, and you want to feel sorry for such women, in general, the drama in life is much stronger, than in the TV series. And all such women stand in solidarity with others like them and support each other, just a whole huge group of women victims. I think you have also heard or encountered such women, and if you are a woman, these are 100% either your friends, or acquaintances, or yourself .Basically, the main theme of this suffering is men, that is, all the suffering is because of them: “If it weren’t for him, I would be happy.” We won’t touch on other topics for now. So, listening to all these stories in which women suffer because of men, I always ask: “Why endure, since you suffer because of him, why won’t you leave?” Usually, such questions are followed by very vague and uncertain answers like “I can’t”, “We have children”, “What will people say?”, “Where will I live?”, “I love you”, “How will I live?” one?" and so on, continue yourself. This is especially intensified when this is the only man in a woman’s life, or one of the first, or when, as women say: “The best years have already been spent on him.” I don’t know what they mean. This is what women endure, suffer, and allow themselves to be raped, both physically and psychologically, for years, decades, sometimes all their lives. And women cry and sacrifice themselves for the sake of a great idea that only they know about, and endure, endure, endure and cry, cry, cry and blame, blame, blame men. But when these stories simply reach some kind of unreasonableness, I I get the idea that women like it. Yes, I like to be victims and blame men, they have become professionals in this, and the greater the sacrifice, the more admiration and attention from the same women. Just holy martyrs, just take an icon from them and write “Great Martyr and Name”, broadcast it to the temple and pray. All this is incomprehensible, if you look from the outside, this is a total accusation, revenge, remaking men, suffering, pain, misfortune, murder, violence, sacrifice, illness, humiliation, all this for what? Can women themselves answer this question? It’s always unclear to me it was, why is it so difficult to take and leave such a man who simply mocks you, and you suffer greatly for years? It’s simple, she got up and left, forgetting and erasing this person from her life, and the suffering ended, the torment ended, the misfortune ended, she found another, someone who would appreciate and love, there are thousands of men walking down the street, why cling to one and not the best? I found someone else or was alone and rested, in any case, all this suffering that existed will stop. There will be no more need to endure and humiliate yourself, suffer, experience pain and disgust, she got up, left and it was all over. Why stay? There is nothing left: no love, no care, no affection, no respect, no happiness, no family, no health, NOTHING, what should remain? Get up and leave, it will take a maximum of 1 minute, 1 minute and it’s all over, and never return to this suffering, but for some reason women are afraid to do this. Afraid to admit to yourself that everything is over a long time ago, afraid to go into a new relationship, afraid to be responsible for your life, afraid to be alone, afraid to be happy, afraid to live the way they want. It’s strange, very strange when you can leave, stay... With Sincerely, Prudkiy A.N..
