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To follow the formula that I constantly remind you of (the problem is both in you AND in the outside world) and answer the question holistically, it needs to be divided into 2 parts: 1. What's wrong with me and what's stopping me? 2. What's wrong with the world around you? They talk about this very little and rarely, but most often problems arise at the intersection of the individual and the outside world (family, team, society, way of life, religion, politics and economics). Therefore, when a person says “I am outside politics,” this shows his complete ignorance. We do not live in a vacuum, but are totally dependent on global world processes. We can already see how sanctions against Russia work. If we talk about a more serious crisis, then all “free professions” (freelancing) and business are at risk. We should not ignore this and fall into the illusion that this does not concern us. This is a huge management error (according to BER), which leads to incorrect forecasts and short-term benefits, which can be followed by a hard and long decline. From the point of view of depth psychology, this is a conflict of adaptation to the environment (adaptation) and the desire to be oneself (individuation), which is not easily resolved, often drags on for years and is painful. Therefore, slogans like “everything depends only on you” or “you are good, this world is too cruel” cannot help, but only drive us into the desert of regrets and accusations (of ourselves or others). Learning business in Western cultural codes (capitalism, fierce competition, manic success, the “American Dream”, etc.) is not suitable for a Russian person who has lived under socialist ideas for 70 years. Eastern teachings (often repackaged and built into Western theories), which help “not to worry” and “not to stress”, as well as to think only about the present (without respecting the past and having no image of the future). As I wrote earlier, any campaigns that exclude the Soul from the equation of life are especially destructive for a Russian person. This is one of the root reasons why money remains inaccessible, difficult and difficult to earn. The desire (conscious or unconscious) to preserve the Soul forces one to abandon many strategies (which are inculcated in coaching and business training). This may look like laziness, inability and worthlessness, but something is clearly slowing down the implementation of this “super-knowledge” into practice. By Russian (generally speaking), I mean a person who speaks and thinks in Russian, and in all his deeds and aspirations also thinks about his Motherland and Fatherland. Foreign knowledge needs to be seriously filtered and adapted to suit one’s personality (and not vice versa - the personality to fit the templates of success), otherwise problems with business (business) and money are inevitable. This is especially true for people who were born in the USSR (or descendants of these people). I am one of those people, so I constantly have to remind myself of this. You shouldn’t be surprised or upset that you can’t earn a decent income, because business training is most often unspiritual and devoid of Soul. Even if we are told otherwise, we need to look not only with our eyes, but with our hearts. To put it bluntly, those who are ready to sell their Soul (make deals with the Devil in different guises) feel great in the field of sales, business and big money. This is not only my personal (as it may seem biased) opinion, but also the wisdom that stems from many myths and fairy tales (they are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago). Avoiding the danger of losing, selling and exchanging our Soul for “loot”, we can abandon such knowledge and end up left without money. This is not something that can be solved easily and quickly. This should be dealt with systematically using holistic tools of cognition. To be continued...*Previous and subsequent articles in the series are available in the list of publications.© Marina ZotovaVK main page ➡️ Alchemy of Love. The Path of the HeartKinoSoulVidenie ➡️ https://vk.com/psy_doramaTelegram channel ➡️"
