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Before psychotherapy, it is necessary to discuss all the details, including the process of work and its completion. Psychologists do not always have to work only with depressed people - there are also capricious clients who are able to refuse therapy because the psychologist pointed out mistakes. It is important to understand that psychotherapy is not designed for flattery, but for awareness, acceptance and solution to the problem. You can refuse therapy ahead of schedule only if you stumble upon an unqualified psychotherapist who uses emotional and sexual pressure in his practices. If deep down you understand that the psychologist is acting objectively and sincerely trying to help, and his moral teachings are annoying, do not rush to leave the session: this means that the therapist got to the bottom of the truth, found the pain point and is trying to heal your mental wound. Reluctance to answer questions, complete tasks, aggression, fatigue, heaviness experienced during the session indicate that it is too early to end. If you perceive help with hostility, fearing to lose the crown and seem weak, you are ashamed of the past, rest assured: quitting psychotherapy , you will not get rid of your problems, but will only make things worse for yourself. Psychotherapy identifies reactions to external and internal stimuli. Refusing effective sessions, the patient engages in self-deception and recreates the scenario of the past in his mind according to the principle “what is started remains unfinished.” Sometimes the first session seems like a breath of fresh air: motivation, interest, positivity appear, and then the blues. This is completely normal: the brain adapts to new situations and learns to receive endorphins again. The task of any psychologist is to cure the soul and let the hardened and restored patient float freely. You cannot live a full life by constantly attending sessions and depending on the therapist. Thank you for your help and make it clear that you are ready to act alone. Ask for parting words, a list of topical manuals, and ask if you can call on certain questions. The professional will never be offended by the client’s decision to stop the sessions, but on the contrary, he will be glad that he helped so quickly. Therapy must be completed delicately and in two cases: if the psychologist is incompetent, allowing himself to reproach and barb at the client, and when the patient notices pleasant changes in himself and surge of vitality.
