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Once upon a time there was a cowardly wolf... He sat in his hole day after day and did not even go out into the forest to hunt. The hares laughed at him, but they avoided him in case a wolf suddenly becomes bolder. The inhabitants of the forest were perplexed why the big, toothy and such a terrible wolf was so cowardly... The wolf himself was sick of these conversations. Yes, he was not born a squirrel, or a hamster... Although he also had a greater reserve of belligerence in this forest. Especially when the full moon rose in the sky. At that time, the hamster went to hunt large insects and howled victoriously at the moon when his hunt was successful. So it happened in this strange forest that the hamsters and squirrels in it were more warlike than some wolves. Although not. More warlike than this one wolf, as its inhabitants considered it, was a cowardly one. Other wolves usually hunted in a pack, drove large horned animals, or ambushed stray ones. But the wolf, who lived in his hole, did not hunt with everyone else... He did not hunt at all. Yes, he was a loner. And he didn’t like to eat animals... He ate berries and pine cones at night. And during the day he rested peacefully in his hole, so as not to disturb the cute animals... And then one day another wolf settled in the forest - a very aggressive one. He killed all the animals not for food, but for fun. He liked to torment others and the forest plunged into a real nightmare. Butterflies stopped flying and birds stopped singing. The hares no longer jumped joyfully along the paths, and the hamsters stopped howling. The terrible wolf learned that he was not alone living on his own, that there was another lonely but kind one. And so he came to his hole to laugh at his kindness and kill the careless little animal. Ha, ha, ha! Cowardly wolf! - Look at who you have turned yourself into, and at the same time all of us. I allowed this forest to live calmly and happily. While the aggressive wolf was throwing insults, our good wolf was just meditating and did not yet understand that they were addressing him. And that’s bad luck. In fact, the wolf was not cowardly. When he realized that they were turning to him, in an instant he dealt with the aggressor. He simply loved the world... His value was happiness, and in his soul he kept kindness, like the other part of himself - aggression, but used it only for business .Morality. A wolf is a wolf. There is no need to doubt its nature) But we always act on the basis of our values. What are your values? Are you a predator or a kind person by nature? )P/sOn the course "Step towards the meeting!" we will learn to build good relationships with loved ones and others, we will show your true values, which will help you with this. By remaining yourself, you will make peace with your inner wolves - aggression, anger, loneliness. Learn to apply them in a constructive way - strengthen relationships through conflicts, or not bring it to them; redirect energy to something creative, truly valuable to you. Instead of plunging your life and the lives of others into hell from resentment, claims and unconstructive anger, you will be able to quickly get out of conflict situations, show wisdom and tact. Interesting? Then follow the link http://trening.dushavkofte.ru/perezagruzka, get acquainted with the program and sign up for the course. This course is a reboot of your relationship with the man you love, the people who surround you and a step towards meeting yourself! See you on the course! We start on April 03. And we will work for 2 days.
