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Mothers who strive to be friends for their daughters are not so rare. This is especially pronounced in women who gave birth at a young age and are still quite young when their daughter becomes an adult. Reasons for friendship. The desire to get closer to their daughter is more often typical of single or divorced ladies who do not have a good personal life and who do not have close friends of the same age. For example, friends of the same age are married and devote most of their time to their families. The woman does not receive enough confidential communication, so she is trying to build a friendly relationship with her grown-up daughter. She shares her innermost secrets with her, talks about her romantic hobbies and experiences, expecting reciprocal frankness. But young girls, as a rule, are not ready for this level of communication with their mother. This becomes a cause for misunderstanding, resentment and conflicts. 5 reasons why mother and daughter should not be best friends. The negative aspects of such relationships are as follows: 1. The hierarchy of family relationships is disrupted. Taking the position of a friend for a teenage daughter, a mother puts herself and her daughter on the same level. But friendships involve communication on equal terms, while parent-child relationships are built on the basis of parental authority. Trying to combine the role of a mother and the role of a friend, a woman unwittingly forms a contradictory attitude towards herself from her daughter.2. The roles are reversed. Parents should take care of the child, listen to his experiences, support, but not vice versa. When a mother goes to her daughter for support and shifts her adult problems onto her, this negatively affects the girl’s psychological development. She ceases to perceive her mother as support and support, and feels obligated to take care of her. This leads to the fact that a teenage girl grows up earlier than she should, at the same time acquiring various psychological traumas and attitudes that can adversely affect communication with the opposite sex in the future.3. Mutual understanding in such friendship is an illusion. Due to her age and lack of life experience, the daughter is not yet able to comprehend the problems that worry her mother. She can't even give useful advice. In essence, the mother simply burdens the child with her problems, but does not bring them any closer to solving them. The girl just doesn't know him. 4. Trying to play the role of her daughter’s friend, the mother overestimates herself. There are women who are proud that they understand modern trends, listen to youth music and dress like their daughter’s 15-year-old classmates. But this may look a little strange. 5. A mother friend can limit her daughter’s freedom. Teenage girls have their own interests, they develop, learn about the world and themselves, and learn to build relationships with friends and boys. In this case, mom needs a faithful friend who will always be there, ready to listen and support. For this reason, a mother may deliberately sabotage her daughter's hobbies, prevent her from making friends and spending time as she wants, in order to always have her “friend” at hand. A close relationship between mother and daughter is wonderful. But they should remain within the framework of the relationship between parent and child, and it is better to look for girlfriends among women of your own age. If you have difficulties in parent-child relationships with children or cannot find friends among your peers, then therapy with a psychologist will help you. Good luck in working on yourself!
