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From the author: The original article is on the Author’s Blog of Mark Ifraimov: “Until the age of twelve, a girl is under the wing of her father, and a boy is under the wing of his mother.” This phrase from the arsenal of constellations, which has already become an axiom, can help predict the future of a child. Unfortunately or fortunately, man is an absolutely programmable creature. During the first 7 years, not even 12, each of us is unconsciously programmed, and then throughout our lives we consciously try to reprogram. Not everyone succeeds. Especially when it is not known what should be changed in the first place. And therefore, in the “Secrets of Arrangers” section, I post the second trick - Love for the father. In this article, I suggest you see the scenario for the development of your daughter’s fate, or (if you are a woman) check my information with the main milestones of your own life. And, perhaps, challenge my thoughts. Prelude In a child’s life, everything depends on the mother, who is a god for her child, but the irony of fate is that the girl, a future mother herself, looks up to her dad until she is twelve years old and awaits his boundless love. The whole pattern of her fate depends on how a girl looks at her father in the depths of her soul, on whether she can receive his love. Namely: will she be divorced, will she live in abundance, will she have to work hard, will she live to old age surrounded by her loved ones, will she be left alone, will she get a caring husband or someone from whom she will dream of escaping. All relationships with men, absolutely everything, depend on how we look at dad. OR THE ONE WHO STANDS IN THIS PLACE. This rule applies to both women and men. All of us, both men and women, from childhood use the same communication strategy, which we later simply project onto everyone who comes across us in everyday life. Simply put, if we are offended by dad, we will be offended by all men. In the same way, if we are offended by our mother, as we grow up, we will look for a reason in women to be offended and break off relationships. We project our feelings from those who were in our childhood to those who are in our environment now. Unfortunately, most people in the world do not realize that they see other people through the prism of their childhood feelings and decisions. And, forgive the pun, these distortions distort relationships so much that you want to break out of them and run away. This is the first thing we need to know in order to be able to foresee our fate. Secondly, it is important to understand what her father means to a girl. A girl under 12 years old is emotionally very strongly connected to her dad. She expects attention and love from him more than from her mother. Dad is a source of peace for her, just like a greenhouse is for a delicate and fragile flower. Look at the picture. I chose this particular frame from the film “Cinderella” as an illustration for the article. Behind our girl: King, Scientist and Father. With such a retinue, she is calm, and looks friendly at the Prince - her chosen one. The King, the Scientist and the Father are the three hypostases of the father, giving the girl inner peace. The king is the father who controls the space where the girl lives. The king influences everyone and ensures stability with his power. A king is a worthy, very worthy person in society. His status allows the girl to feel proud, full of self-respect, dignity and importance. A scientist is a father who is constantly developing and capable of understanding the world. Like every woman, a girl considers herself not just the world, but also the Universe, and it is important for her to have a man next to her, who not only constantly explores her inner world, but also helps her understand herself. A learned father allows a girl to change all the time and, discovering new facets in herself, to always be interesting in the eyes of men. The third hypostasis is a caring and loving dad - the one who will always support and caress. He will rock you on his knees, tell you a fairy tale and give you the sweetest feeling in the world that you can always remain small without worrying about anything. To be sure that you will be taken care of, to feel worthyattention, respect and allowing yourself to be different all the time - that’s what the father gives the girl. Ideally. And now, armed with this knowledge, let’s return to how the whole fate of the girl is connected with her attitude towards her dad. How to learn to see the future based on the past? The algorithm will not be complicated. To determine the girl’s fate, we need to find out how her mother sees the girl’s father. After all, it depends on the mother’s decision whether a girl can love her dad on her own, or whether she can look at her dad through her mother’s eyes until maturity. Figuratively speaking, the girl’s mother always keeps her hand on the valve of the pipeline of her daughter’s love for her dad. The mother decides whether to block her love for her father or not. Having interviewed the girl’s mother, we will have very few options for her daughter’s future. Let me make a reservation right away that in all scenarios we proceed from the true feelings of the mother and daughter, and not from the expressions that we usually hear from people who want to look good in the eyes of others. One of the tasks of the constellator is to show a person his real feelings, which he carefully hides from himself. OptionsOption One: Mom sincerely loves the girl’s dad. Mom considers her husband a worthy man - a King. The girl thinks so too. To the stupid question of adults: “Who do you love more – mom or dad?” - answers: “I love both!” Her future scenario: The girl will be very attractive to men. She will be seen as the Queen. They will want to take care of her and provide for her. She will be respected. A wonderful future! Option Two: Mom considers herself unworthy of the girl’s dad. He is the King, and the girl’s mother is a Simpleton. The girl idolizes her dad and dreams of getting “a husband just like her dad.” Scenario for her future: In the depths of her soul, the girl hides from herself that she is dissatisfied with her mother. She thinks: “I would be the best wife for dad.” The girl will repeat her mother’s path - she will become the same Simpleton. At the same time, in order to hide her essence, she will try to look very important, as if she were a Queen. She will choose a husband for herself so that she will be dissatisfied with his behavior. 7-10 years after living together, she will strive to divorce him. If she is not aware of her childhood decisions, the girl will get sick, and more and more over the years. Option Three: Mom considers the girl’s dad to be unpromising, lazy, or just an ordinary citizen who doesn’t grab stars from the sky. In other words, he considers himself better than him. Scenario of her future: Whether the girl wants it or not, her mother’s programming will have an impact on her too. The girl will be a Simpleton. Men will see in her someone who can neither inspire nor hold back. She will be disappointed in men and will believe that her mother was right. She will have to work herself to support her family and she will be dissatisfied with her life. The future is gray! Option Four: Mom is openly dissatisfied with the girl’s dad. The girl protects her mother from her father. Her future scenario: The girl will look for a husband who is different from her father. In the end, she will choose the one who will poison her life. The girl will become a courageous woman and will consider men to be a mistake of nature. She herself will do all the male and female work and will acquire masculine traits. The girl will claim that her life is wonderful, but the heaviness in her soul will weigh on everyone. Life will end alone. Option Five: Mom is openly dissatisfied with the girl’s dad. The girl protects her dad from her mom. Her future scenario: As an adult, the girl will become the mistress of a married man. He will be at odds with women. With his beloved’s wife too. She will believe in magic, go to folk specialists in the hope that they will help her get married. She will have children, or rather, one child. Mom will be loved and pitied. The child will not leave his mother, because he will replace her father. Even if the child is a girl. The future is sad and quite lonely. That's all the main scenarios. Not too much, right? The bitter truth is that only in the First Option, with permission from the mother to love her father, will the daughter become a happy woman. The bitter truth is that women pretend in public that they allow their daughters to love their fathers, but on.
