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The existence of an individual in the world of people is in one way or another connected with taking responsibility and finding meaning through genuine values. Austrian psychotherapist Viktor Frankl, who is the founder of the third Viennese psychological school - logotherapy, said that a necessary condition for survival is a certain desire for the future, as well as for the realization of meaning, which will be realized in the future. He considered the most inherent human need for meaning. The ideas of Viktor Frankl are confirmed in numerous examples. They are more relevant than ever at the present stage of development of world psychotherapy. People make an appointment with a psychologist because they are losing their zest for life. They describe their condition as loss of interest in everything, lack of knowledge of what to do, boredom and indifference. If you try to find one common word that unites all these emotions and states, then the best term would be “emptiness.” Many do not understand what to do next and how to fill it. This is due to the thirst for meaning that is present in any situation offered by life itself. The problem or question that every person faces is a kind of challenge that needs to be responded to. Meaning is not something that can be made up. This is what needs to be found for each specific case. The logotherapeutic approach reveals three ways to embody meaning, all of them lie through the values ​​of creativity, experience and attitude to what is happening. Through the realization of meanings and living our own values, the personal and spiritual growth of each of us occurs. Thanks to this, we learn about the world around us and through it we discover new facets of our personality. When a person comes to a session with a logotherapist, he does not immediately understand that his personal responsibility is needed to discover meaning. The role of the psychologist at the initial stage of working with meanings is primarily consists of discussing with the client some aspects of his responsibility: to whom he feels it and for what exactly he bears it. And if a person comes with the request “Find a suitable meaning for me,” he should change his attitude to some extent and accept as a fact that life itself is the one who asks him questions. Thus, the person himself will answer these questions, react on them with one or another action. If you are sincerely interested in the psychotherapy of meaning - logotherapy, and also have a request or are close to formulating it, then you can now make an appointment with me.
