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Living in this world already means that we enter into a relationship with it. What do you expect from this relationship? Do you believe in yourself and people? Do you perceive this world as dangerous for you? How do you feel about the whole world around you? A person’s life depends on our personal perception of the situation that happens to us. Are sincere, harmonious relationships possible without trust? Let’s look at the criteria for trust. Assignment for you: Write down for yourself all the criteria that you can remember. Have you written it? Let's move on. Let's analyze it. I will give frequently encountered examples: - Whether I know a person or not. You can know a person for many years, and then one day receive betrayal from him. You can open up to strangers who will later become best friends. — Like/dislike Fraudsters often have a charming appearance. A person may initially make a negative impression of himself, but as you get to know him better, you begin to see his inner beauty, even in some cases fall in love. That’s what happened to you ?Sometimes you look at a couple and ask yourself the question: “What did the girl (guy) find in a partner?”, one of them is bright, beautiful, the other, it would seem, gray, pale against his (her) background, but still they glow with happiness, they feel good together. - past experience When we impose certain expectations on another, and this other does not live up to our expectations, we experience certain emotions. Then comes the transfer and generalization of this experience to surrounding people. But there were only our expectations and only our emotions! We couldn’t agree, we decided for our partner how he should behave, what he should do, we deprived him of the right to choose, but he went and did it his own way (Scoundrel? Scoundrel? How could he?). What feelings do you have in such situations? In this way, you can refute all your criteria. Do you know why? There are no criteria for trust! When we decide whether or not to trust someone else, we initially refuse the opportunities that the other can give, the opportunities that the Universe itself provides, if you want . After all, many teachings already claim: all meetings occur due to investigative connections. Our personal choice is to trust everyone, or not to trust anyone! Here we are talking about basic trust, initially in oneself. Trust comes from within, before faith, before you know your partner. We are looking in the outside world for something that we ourselves do not have inside, and no matter how much we are given from the outside, it will always be not enough if inside is empty. We forget about the law of the Universe: the law of the mirror, the internal state reflects the external world. Decide for yourself: What choice are you ready to make? Are you ready to take responsibility for this choice? Only your choice! And one more important point! Practice shows that my clients confuse two concepts: childish gullibility and trust. Childish gullibility is shifting responsibility from oneself to a communication partner. Let me give you a specific example: Your friend asks to borrow a certain amount of money and does not return the debt. Questions arise: How realistically have you assessed the capabilities of this friend? Let's consider these options: - What happens if he doesn't pay you back? Whose responsibility is this? He has no way to repay the debt. — How should he pay you? — Who brought this situation into your life? Trust is the ability to see the capabilities of your opponent, his potential. When partners take responsibility for how they will build relationships in a way that is safe for both parties, those interactions that will bring mutual joy. Life is a process, a path, step by step. By understanding yourself, you begin to realize your true value, make more informed decisions, find sincere arguments in communicating with people, and therefore become more self-confident.
