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Stress is a state of mental tension that occurs in a person under particularly difficult conditions of life and activity. Stress can be positive when it helps you adapt to changing circumstances. And it can also be negative, when the external impact is too strong or prolonged, and exceeds a person’s adaptive capabilities. Then stress becomes dangerous, as it undermines the body's defenses. If you are experiencing stress, then a simple but working self-help recipe will be useful to you. Don’t be surprised, but this is an SHOW OF KINDNESS. Many of us have been showing kindness to family, friends, and co-workers for years, and at the same time, often forgetting to show kindness to OURSELVES... It turns out that showing KINDNESS to ourselves triggers a stress regulation system in our body . During stress, our structure responsible for defense (fight-flight-freeze) is activated, stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol) are produced, preparing the body for an immediate reaction. In this state, we become nervous, anxious, and it becomes difficult to make the right decisions. The hormone that balances such states is oxytocin. It is released by nursing mothers, as well as during cuddling and sex. It induces a feeling of well-being, calm and a sense of security. The good news is that we can trigger the production of oxytocin ourselves and thus regulate stress. Here are two simple practices: Sit comfortably. Relax. Give the process a few quiet minutes. Remember the situation that causes your feelings. PAY ATTENTION to all thoughts and feelings, NAME them. Then TALK TO YOURSELF kindly, like you would to a friend who needs support. What kind words would you find? Tell them to the convinced one. Wrap yourself in a HUG (even self-hugs increase oxytocin levels and reduce cortisol) and sit there for a while, repeating kind words of encouragement to yourself. Feel kindness to yourself You can also VISUALIZE KINDNESS. For example, you can imagine how your palm is filled with kindness. What is this? Warm light energy? Or something else? What does your kindness smell like? Freshness or home comfort, or something else? Smell her scent. Introduced? Carefully place your palm on the part of your body where you feel your psychological pain. Feel how a warm feeling flows from your palm into your body and fills it. A kind attitude towards yourself can fill you with calmness and energy. And also the strength and desire to help others, which in turn starts a cycle of kindness. Your psychologist, consultant, EOT specialist, Gulya Obolentseva
