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(A brief note about the concept of trust and its connection with spiritual intimacy). Trust is very popular and many people want it themselves and sometimes even demand it from others. They just don’t understand well what it is and whether they really need to achieve trust. So, first things first. What is trust? Let's start with dictionaries. Ozhegov and Shvedova: “TRUST, I, cf. Confidence in someone's. conscientiousness, sincerity, in the correctness of something.” And this definition is already alarming, since “confidence” can be very different. So you’ll have to look at what confidence is. In the same place: “CONFIDENCE, and, well, see. confident. Firm faith in someone, conviction...” Well, okay, let’s look at “confident” first: “CONFIDENT, oh, oh; ren. Firm, unwavering, undoubting.” Now there’s something here. Doubt really erodes trust. But trust cannot be derived from “doubts”. “I have no doubt about him!” - it means there is one opinion about another, in which I am firmly convinced. But opinion is not truth. Everyone has their own opinions. Truth is one. Until we know the truth, we only have an opinion about it. And it really is not useful to hesitate in it, so as not to destroy confidence. But in this case, confidence turns out to be an artificial phenomenon, the fruit of my personal wishes and hopes. And it is correctly indicated in the second version of the definition of confidence that it is associated with conviction. Until you clearly see what you have an opinion about, you have to make an effort of persuasion so that the opinion is firm enough to think and to begin to act. If you are not sure, you will not start acting. “If you’re not sure, don’t overtake!” - so that something doesn’t work out. Then trust through confidence also turns out to be a very fragile state or feeling, because you can be confident, but only within strictly defined limits, which are accepted by the other person whom we would like to trust. And perhaps the most important thing so far that trust refers to human interaction, or more precisely, as most dictionary entries mention - human relationships. That is, to the social order. Try to trust or not trust the weather, a mountain, a brick or the sun. This will not be appropriate. But the main thing is that it is unnecessary. Games of trust and distrust with nature do not work. You need to know the world of Earth, and know it very accurately, if you want to survive in it. That is, initially, the mind that ensures our survival does not use the concept of trust. It comes to us through experience interacting with people. People can be trusted or not, depending on how much we know them. And we talk about trust when we don’t know a person that well, but based on indirect signs we conclude that he will be like us imagined him. But the main thing is that the other person will do what I agreed with him. This conclusion “will do” is just our opinion, and it often turns out to be wrong, for which we sometimes pay. And it seems that we are paying with the loss of trust. No, we pay with wasted power. Why? Because we didn’t get to know a person enough about what is expected of him. It turns out that trust is our wishes that others will “definitely” give us what we want. And so the other one didn’t give what, according to all our trust in I should have given it to him. Then he is a traitor! He betrayed my trust. And it doesn’t matter that he has any excuses. They don't justify him in any way! Because he didn’t just not give what I wanted from him. He undermined faith in humanity! Such a convenient manipulation was broken. Apparently, trust-distrust lives not only due to bad, in the sense of insufficient, knowledge of the other person, but also due to one’s own laziness. This laziness, firstly, does not allow us to get to know others deeper and better, and, secondly, it does not allow us to recognize ourselves in such a way as to have reliable support for ourselves. Because of this, we most often use trust to build support for others. But it is precisely because of trust that these supports are built at once unsteady and unreliable. Supports, in)
