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Children's aggression is a very common problem. Aggression appears from the birth of a child and is a natural reaction to obstacles that interfere with the satisfaction of his needs. The further development of aggression depends on the upbringing of the parents. In the first years of life, aggression manifests itself in impulsive attacks of stubbornness, accompanied by screaming, squealing, kicking, biting, and pugnacity. In the future, the child learns to control these manifestations and express them in more acceptable ways. Growing children imitate various examples taken from their social environment. Children, choosing methods for clarifying relationships with brothers and sisters, copy the conflict resolution tactics of their parents. The child's assessment of another person and his actions is a simple repetition of the assessment by an adult who is authoritative for the child. Hence, parents are the standard by which children compare and base their behavior. Possible reasons for aggressive behavior: Alternatively, the child lacks parental love and not everything is going well in your family. Physical punishment and insult of the child. In children who grew up in permissive conditions , impunity, neglect, it is possible to develop such traits as: aggressiveness, impulsiveness, malice, excitability, which in the future can lead to illegal behavior. Education according to the type of overprotection. With this type of upbringing, a child, as a rule, grows up pampered, selfish, dependent, spoiled, infantile and anxious-suspicious. Which can also contribute to the emergence of aggressive tendencies. Psychological or physical trauma. Limitation of the child’s motor activity. Boredom and monotony of life. The child’s jealousy of parents or brothers and sisters. When parents hold different views on raising a child and do not coordinate them with each other. Inconsistency in the application of punishment. Non-compliance with the daily routine. Imitation of parents or peers. Low level of self-esteem. Emotional instability. Parents did not teach how to manage their emotions. Parents deny the right to personal freedom. Every child must have a place where he can be alone for a while and no one will disturb him. If parents regularly invade his territory, neglecting his wishes and rights, then this can provoke aggressive behavior. First of all, pay attention to what kind of relationships you have in your family, avoid scandals in the presence of the child. Normalize family relationships. Remember that the child copies parental behavior. The whole family must agree on common methods of education and strictly adhere to them. Try to keep track of what films your child watches and what computer games he plays; they should not carry an aggressive charge. Give the opportunity to throw out your energy in outdoor games or enroll your child in a sports section. Do not leave aggressive behavior unpunished, but the punishment should not be physical, otherwise it may lead to an even greater surge of aggression, better if it is, for example, deprivation of watching TV or going for a walk. Teach your child to take responsibility for his actions. Cultivate in him a feeling of pity and compassion. Teach acceptable ways to express aggression. Increase your child's self-esteem. Praise more. Treat your child as an individual, do not compare him with other children, as a rule, this greatly hurts his pride. Remember that your negative assessment of the child creates low self-esteem in him and may lead to problems in communication in the future. In cases where aggression has minor manifestations and does not have serious consequences, it is recommended: Completely ignoring such reactions, you can leave the child with a few minutes alone so that he calms down. Invite him to draw his anger on a piece of paper and tear it up. Leave the child alone in the room and give him the opportunity to express out loud everything that has accumulated. Suggest
