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We come into the world completely helpless, without the care and attention of those around us at the very beginning of our journey, we simply cannot survive! This situation of dependence on another has a strong impact on the formation and development of personality, self-esteem, characteristics of self and worldview. Difficult childhood conditions, if the child experiences neglect from his parents, does not receive their love and acceptance, faces violence, regular devaluation of himself or other serious violations of his rights affect his future life. In this case, it will be more difficult for him to live safely, love, work and communicate with himself and with the world. At the same time, not everyone has the experience of a difficult childhood. Most develop in average families where there is love and acceptance. However, no matter how much parents want, they will not be able to satisfy all the needs of the child. Therefore, everyone in childhood encounters the manifestation of such emotions as anger, fear and sadness (important and necessary emotions that are called negative only because their experience is not very pleasant). As you grow up, some are forgotten, and some are remembered and stored. And it turns out that he remembers those moments when the child experienced unpleasant emotions better than those when he just felt good. That is, he would rather remember how he really wanted (and did not receive) the markers in his suitcase, so bright and shiny, than the fact that his entire room was filled with toys. The child’s brain miraculously makes a selection of memories that it takes with it into adulthood life. When we are already adults, we have a choice of what to do with this selection, how to treat it. Having come out of a dependent position on our parents (when our life does not depend on them feeding and changing us), we can reconsider everything that happened. If we were missing something there and then, then here and now we are able give yourself what you need and thereby close the gap. Back then we couldn’t buy markers for ourselves, but today we can. Just buy them for yourself now! Do what you wanted, instead of being sad about the fact that it was impossible then. Today, as adults, we have the opportunity to look at our childhood and look there instead of insults for love and support, for the good experience that we received from family and friends and which we use in the present. Think and remember:➡️ what good things did you take from your parents, grandparents, everyone who was next to you and raised you?➡️ what pleasant events do you remember from your childhood? ➡️ who helped you overcome difficulties, cope with fear, anger and sadness when you were little?➡️ if these were things, then who gave them to you? Even if your childhood was not the happiest, even if there was a lot of pain in it, since you are alive and well, that means there was something else in it, something that helped you survive and become who you are now! By focusing on good experiences, we become stronger and more successful, we have more space for the good in the present and in future!
