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From the author: A. G. Belyaev, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, NLP coach, highly qualified manager (MBA), director of the consulting company "El - Consul" ", Barnaul. When reprinting, a link to the link is required! Register here on the website using the link: RECEIVE a gift for registration! The struggle to establish the truth on the one hand and conceal it on the other hand is the essence of all conflict relations in the field of investigative work. Interests The parties in a criminal trial are opposite, but the intentions are similar: to learn as much as possible about the other side and make sure that the other side knows less about us. Each of the characters, to one degree or another, disguises their intentions, uses various methods of lying. The relevance of the issue of psychodiagnostics of lies is of exceptional importance, since it is directly related to the good quality of the information on the basis of which decisions are made by participants in criminal proceedings. And therefore, in order for the efforts, in particular of the investigator (inquiry officer) to establish the truth in the case he is conducting, to be successfully implemented, he needs knowledge of psychology. The purpose of this article is to enrich the general and professional culture of practical workers of investigative authorities and the court, through more deep understanding of the psychological manifestations of lies and the formation of a systematic approach to methods for identifying them. This article is devoted to the psychodiagnostics of lies using the methodology of neuro-linguistic programming in the testimony of interrogated persons. The method of constructing conversations and interrogations described in the article can allow the investigator (interrogator) to increase the effectiveness of his actions. However, it must be borne in mind that the most important principle of using not only this, but also other methods of psychodiagnostics of lies is that one single reaction does not prove anything. Only based on the totality of signs, and preferably the totality of the various methods used, can one make an assumption about the falsity or truthfulness, partial truthfulness or partial falsity of the statements of the interrogated person. After all, a lie consisting entirely of fiction is rare, since it is much easier to expose. More common is an incomplete lie, or “incomplete truth,” when a liar processes the truth, distorting it in his own way. A lie does not always indicate a person’s guilt. A person can be mistaken in good faith, considering himself guilty (in cases of crimes, with a careless form of guilt). False testimony can also be given by exalted people who want to be at the center of events in order to attract attention to themselves. Cases of giving false testimony due to mental disorders cannot be ruled out. The method using neuro-linguistic programming to determine the falsity/truthfulness of the reported information provides for several options for its implementation: A) The investigator himself acts as a specialist with knowledge, skills, and abilities in the field of NLP. B) The investigator invites a third-party NLP specialist who is present at all conversations and interrogations. C) The investigator himself acts as a specialist with knowledge, skills, and abilities in NLP, and invites a third-party NLP specialist who will be present at all conversations and interrogations. The general condition for all interrogation options is its recording using technical means (for example, a video camera). This allows you to repeatedly analyze video recordings of interrogations (by an investigator, a specialist, an expert, and later by the court) and evaluate the nonverbal components of the communication process, as well as the verbal (speech) products of the persons participating in the process. In addition, this information can then be transferred to an expert to conduct a psychological examination. The investigator may experience certain difficulties in his work when he does not receive answers from specialists (experts), for example, to suchquestions: “Are there any external signs that suggest psychological pressure is being exerted on citizens?” Or: “Is there any reason to believe that the information presented by the suspect has been memorized in advance, or read from paper or other media?” Or: “Is there any reason to believe that the witness, the suspect is lying when answering/giving evidence on such and such a question?” etc. The investigator’s failure to receive a response from a specialist (expert) is due to the fact that the specialist (expert) does not have data from a study (calibration) previously conducted in a certain sequence to clarify the individual characteristics of the response of a given person and record this information for later comparative analysis. In the case of using the proposed method with recording of interrogations using technical means (for example, a video camera), specialists (experts) get this opportunity, and accordingly, will be able to answer these and many other questions. This method uses the following scheme, according to which it is proposed carry out the basic preliminary calibration of the subject by an NLP specialist before interviews, interrogations, and then use the same scheme during interrogations: 1. Primary modality;2. Representational modality;3. Referential modality;4. “Past - present - future”; 5. Visual recall;6. Visual design;7. Auditory recall;8. Auditory construction;9. Kinesthetic feelings, sensations; 10. Internal dialogue;11. Positive state (“Yes”); 12. Neutral state (“It’s all the same”); 13. Negative state (“No”);14. Congruent state (“Truth”);15. Incongruent state (“Lie”/incomplete truth/partial lie); If the investigator needs, the number of pre-calibrated states can be increased, and it depends on the questions the investigator wants to answer. For example, the following calibration can additionally be carried out: • Problematic condition; • The state of achieving the result; • State of uptime - (full awareness). The subject is completely oriented in time, space, place, and his own personality. • Downtime states (light trance state). For example, the subject’s recollection of a recently experienced event in the past, with his reproduction in the present tense of the sensations of that period of time; • Strategy of ocular access signals when making decisions; • Submodal differences, etc., In order to understand the structure of the method that will be used in fragment describing the work of an NLP specialist with a subject, further in the article, theoretical information is provided that will create a unified field of understanding the essence of special terms from the field of NLP and their practical meaning. The main stages and actions that an NLP specialist carries out in relation to a subject in at the very beginning of the study to create rapport* between them: adjustment, following, leading. a) Adjustment. Adjustment is a manipulative process of conscious behavior change to bring the physiology of the NLP specialist into consistent compliance with the physiology of the subject. The result of adjusting and following the NLP specialist with the subject should be the establishment of rapport between them. It is assumed that for this purpose the NLP specialist will sit or stand in the same position as the subject, change posture or repeat after the subject the main changes in posture and gestures.1. Synchronize your breathing with the breathing of the subject.2. Adjust to the subject’s voice by changing the following parameters of your voice and speech: volume, tempo, rhythm, pitch, timbre, intonation, pronunciation, any characteristic words or expressions.3. Make adjustments to the language and the nature of thinking: “predicativeness of speech” - with adjustment to predicates* (words,which show the NLP specialist in which modality the subject is currently thinking). If a suggestive influence is needed, then the words of suggestion are pronounced as the subject exhales. To create complete rapport, it is enough to reflect (separately, not necessarily all at once) the behavioral characteristics of the subject in the following specified proportions : Body (posture) - 50% of body movements and positions Breathing - 100% of the pace and rhythm of breathing Gestures - 100% of basic gestures In addition to adjusting to the physiology of the subject, the NLP specialist uses adjustment to beliefs and values ​​to create the illusion in the subject that he believes and values ​​the same as the subject. For example, an NLP specialist turns to the subject, having previously learned that he loves football: “I didn’t get enough sleep today, (he says, yawning and covering his mouth with his hand). Yesterday I watched football until three in the morning. Our team played with the Greeks. Haven’t you looked?” It is then possible to start a dialogue in which the subject will begin to experience unconscious trust in the NLP specialist * (i.e., trust, the reasons for which will be consciously difficult to explain). By adjusting to the personal experience of the subject, the NLP specialist creates an illusion similarity of one’s personal experience, and/or conditional unity of goals with the subject to strengthen rapport. For example, a question from an NLP specialist to a subject, knowing that he loves football: “Didn’t you watch it? It's a pity". “We played great (joyfully)! Ours “made them”!” Or, for example, the investigator’s address to the subject: “These are your words, about the fact that you want to achieve the truth? I completely agree. And I want you to understand that we have one goal in this matter - the search for truth." b) Due to the following phase, the NLP specialist who has joined the client should have a feeling of “merging with the subject into one whole,” i.e. e., the state of rapport*. This state of rapport is sufficient to begin calibration*. If an NLP specialist must exert a manipulative influence on the subject, then he carries out testing actions to determine the degree of sufficiency of adjustment for the transition to phase c) management. Performs some simple action, for example, slows down the rhythm of his breathing, which after some time should be observed in the subject. Rapport is a special state of consciousness, which is distinguished by a feeling of mutual unconscious trust and ease of communication between the NLP specialist and the subject, as well as reduced control of the mind over behavior and speech, as well as an increased state of suggestibility*. Rapport allows for the cooperation of the parties. This is a condition that increases the reliability of the preliminary calibration, and often the reliability of the information provided. Preliminary calibration of the subject is necessary to draw up an individual “state map” of the subject regarding the perception, storage and reproduction of information by the subject before the active stage of the interrogation, when it is necessary to obtain answers relevant to the crime under investigation. Calibration is the process of diagnosing the state of the subject using verbal, non-verbal signals and their combinations*. When an NLP specialist calibrates a subject, he determines what certain words, phrases, states, certain ideas and memories mean to this person, what and how he reacts emotionally and physically. When calibrating, they usually correlate the verbal (verbal) and non-verbal parts of the message and their correspondence. What a person says (content, meaning) relates more to consciousness (that part of the information that is under the control of the mind), and how (process) - to the unconscious. And if these two components of one message say different things (for example, the consciousness says “Yes” and the subconscious “No”), then the unconscious usually “wins” (where all the information is stored). Provided that the subject does not have special knowledge and training in the field of NLP. The body and bodily experiences, emotions and feelings, thoughts and words - all these are behavioral manifestations of different principles
